Hunter’s Full Moon – Blue Moon

We have a special treat happening soon! At the end of this month, we will have our second full moon in October. Blue Moons are fairly rare, depending on what you consider a “Blue Moon.” In this instance, I am following the theory of more than one full moon in a month.

This Full Moon is called the Hunters Full Moon because historically, the farm fields have been harvested and now finding small games for hunting is easier. Although we no longer hunt like we used to, most hunting seasons are open at this time.

Blue moons are exciting as it thins the veil between the physical 3D world and the 5D spiritual world. If you have any connection processes or Shamanic rituals you would like to perform, the night of October 30th is your time. Even if you want to explore your Akashic records, take advantage of the thin veil and explore it!

What is the energy of a Full Moon?

Full Moon Energies

Generally speaking, full moons are a time to reflect on the results of new moon wishes (more on this soon!), focus on forgiveness and fill the space created with gratitude.

At this time, wishes (manifestations) should be coming to fruition somehow, or at the very least clear direction and guidance from the universe, be ready to keep your eyes and ears open.

Full moons are yang energy that can sometimes make things feel forceful, like coming to a head with past traumas or events that need healing. It is forceful in the most loving of ways, though, encouraging and pushing you to release and let go because, in the end, it is what is best for your higher self and purpose.

It will encourage you to reflect on all of the events that happened in the weeks of a full lunar cycle, what has happened? what worked? What didn’t work? What emotions do you feel ready to release? Is there anything you are willing or able to forgive? When we can forgive events, situations, and people, you can release karma and detox your soul from those negative vibes. That will help you release negative patterns, toxic thoughts, habits, ways of being negative, and even toxic people.

When we release and forgive, it gives our energetic body room to grow. Fill the spaces and growth with gratitude; this will create a very high vibration that will help bring in all of the good stuff the universe has waiting for us.

What Should I Focus on During a Full Moon?

Full Moon Focus

Full moons are essentially about a “clean slate”; release what you don’t want – holding on to low vibrational emotions will attract more of it. If you have guilt, fear, disappointment, and jealousy; you need to acknowledge the feelings, forgive them, and let them go; It is a process.

When we hang on to these low vibe emotions, it brings energy into our aura that creates blocks in the chakras, which will block your ability to manifest our new moon wishes. Releasing and letting go of those emotions will take inner-work, and not everybody is ready for that, and that is ok. If you can even find just one little minor thing to release that has been taking up any brain space, you will feel a shift, and you will begin a beautiful connection start with the moon and the earth.

Just be willing to look within, heal, shift blocks, and shed the past. The full moon can sometimes shine or “illuminate” the darker side of ourselves. Do no fear it; we all have this side of us because, without the darkness, we cannot appreciate the lighter side. See it, shift it as best as you can – always choose to have the bright side win.

What additional energies will the “Blue Moon” bring?

Blue Moon Energies

As mentioned initially, the Blue Moon can thin the veil between the physical and the spiritual. Take advantage of this energy to connect with your guides, and ask some questions. You may get an answer you’ve been searching for, or at the very least get pointed in the right direction.

Intuition is at its peak during this time, so taking the time to connect will be pivotal in helping you see the path and steps ahead of you, especially for those that are already on a journey and looking to find their purpose and passion. Be willing to listen. We can listen to our intuition by meditating and allowing all chatter to chat, but keep going until the chatter begins to quiet down. Your path and/or answer will be made clear.

If you see this before October 28th, 2020, Please go check out my event on Facebook. I have a Blue Moon Experience coming up, and it will help you with exactly this! Click here.

Hunter’s Full Moon Energy

Hunter's Moon Energy

The Hunter’s Full Moon/Blue Moon falls into the Libra energy, so this energy asks for harmony, balance, and beauty. It wants you to be able to take an objective observer position in your life. Evaluate what is working, what is not, what can be done better, and what you could let go of. Being willing to look at it will help you spot your energy leaks.

Energy leaks are the things that really are no longer serving you yet it continues to take up space in your mind, such as; that thing you promised you would do 2 months ago, energy leak – decide to do it and get it done, or make peace with it not getting done at all. Or remember that commitment to eating better, but then you keep late-night snacking? Instead of beating yourself over it, re-evaluate what eating better looks like to you and be willing to remove the things from your home that cause this temptation. We have energy leaks everywhere, and they can make us feel exhausted, angry, frustrated, resentful, etc.

When you take care of the energy leaks, it will open up space in the energetic body to allow new experiences and things to come into your life – bringing balance and harmony.

This energy would also like you to bring some beauty into your life. Libras love pretty and beautiful things, and if you don’t love every space in your home, bring in something beautiful to help you feel better about the space. If you have a dark, dingy room in your house, any time you think of it, you probably have some negative reaction (this could also be considered an energy leak). Find something you can do to brighten the space and make it more beautiful.

The Ritual

Hunter's Moon Ritual

The ritual for this full moon is going to have a few parts to it. We will start with a forgiveness practice, gratitude, and a couple of other recommendations.

First, to prepare for this practice, use the questions above to reflect on and journal your results. This is something you can easily do before the full moon if you want to take some time to get clear on what you are ready or willing to forgive and anything you may be willing to release or take responsibility for.

Forgiveness Practice

Now that the journaling process is done and you have made a list, or the “forgiveness list,” it is time to start the forgiveness process.

  1. Have your page with the list ready
  2. Cleanse the space with Sage or Palo Santo
  3. Sit comfortably, and get ready to begin.
  4. Take long, deep breaths until you feel calm and at ease, send breath to any tension in the body as well.
  5. Close your eyes and begin to visualize each person or event listed that you are willing to forgive.
  6. Visualize each person or event being wrapped up in a bubble – you get to chose the colour.
  7. See all of the bubbles and begin to create a good feeling towards them.
  8. Say silently or out loud, “I forgive you.”
  9. Now see all of the bubbles float away. If you have any bubbles that are having trouble leaving, forgive yourself for not being ready to release it, and we can try again at the next moon.
  10. Take your forgiveness list and burn it; this will signify and solidify the release.
  11. When you are ready, open your eyes, and recite this to close the forgiveness practice and bring in karma release.
    “Under the glorious Full Moon, I forgive everything, everyone, every experience, every memory of the past or present that needs forgiveness. I forgive everyone positively. I also forgive myself for past mistakes. The universe is love, and I am forgiven and governed by love alone. Love is now adjusting my life. Realizing this, I abide in peace.”

Gratitude Practice

Now that we have forgiven, we have created space within our bodies. We want to fill these spaces with gratitude; this will raise our vibration and attract more joy, happiness, and love.

  1. Take a moment to think of at least three people, places, events, etc., that you are grateful for; feel the joy run through your body as you begin to think about all that you have to be grateful for.
  2. Write out a list of what/who you are grateful for.
  3. Read your list out loud or in your head three times.
  4. Now say out loud, or in your head, “I know that I am blessed, and I live my life within that knowing. I live my life with gratitude and from my heart. I am a conscious creator, and being grateful is at the core of my being for balance.”

Additional supports

Moon Water – You will notice that I will recommend this every time. Moon water is a powerful way to keep the full Moon energy flowing after it has gone, and it is super simple to make.

  1. Get a glass jar or bowl that can be covered, fill with water.
  2. Place water outside overnight to soak up the energy
  3. In the morning, place the water in your fridge – drink from it any time you feel the need for some illumination.
  4. If you have a spray bottle, put some of your moon water in it and spritz your room or space. This will help keep the energy positive in your space and remind you of the beautiful forgiveness and gratitude practice you did.

Crystals – two things I want to mention about crystals. First, get all your crystals outside to charge for the night. If you cannot put them out safely, a windowsill that gets moonlight will also work. Crystals can cleanse and charge under a full moon. The Full Moon can amplify their energies as well. Secondly, I have some recommendations specifically for this moon energy.

For Balance and Harmony

  • Clear Quartz
  • Rose Quartz
  • Black Obsidian

For Forgiveness

  • Rose Quartz
  • Rhodonite
  • Morganite
  • Blue Chalcedony

For Gratitude

  • Citrine
  • Angelite

Thank you for reading along. If you have enjoyed this content, please leave me a comment below. If you would like to follow Gemstorm Relevation, we are all over the internet; you can find us on:

Have a beautiful Moon experience!

Until next time,
Relevate the day!
-Anna xo

Gemstorm Relevation - Anna Wheatcroft

New Moon In Libra – October 2020

Welcome to the first New Moon of the Fall Equinox! The New Moon this month falls in Libra! Librans have many desirable traits, and to make the most of this New Moon energy, we will want to adapt to some of these energies to have the best possible outcome.

What is the energy of a New Moon?

New Moon Energies

The New Moon always brings a level of excitement. It is the start of a new Lunar cycle and represents new beginnings. Wipe the slate clean of whatever did not work for you throughout the last Lunar cycle.

Sometimes the energy of a New Moon can feel like a quiet time where the night seems so long, and it can sometimes bring about dark energy – the New Moon is so small and dark in this phase and hardly visible to the naked eye.

New Moons are the perfect time to set out new goals, intentions, and wishes. After all, it is through the darkness of a New Moon that we can become reborn through our intentions and wishes.

What Should I Focus on During a New Moon?

New Moon Focus

The 3-5 days leading up to the New Moon is considered a Balsamic Moon phase. During this time, we are releasing all the intense energies that are lingering from the Full Moon, Disseminating Moon, and Third Quarter Moon. (More on those phases to come)

In the Balsamic phase, we are ready to release, heal, and surrender. Begin the journey inward and think about the forgiveness and release you did through the Full Moon. Anything that is remaining, it is the time to let go now.

This is also a great time to look at all of the things from the last lunar cycle that didn’t work for you. That could be relationships, your schedule, home life, etc. Get right down to what did work, what didn’t, what you didn’t like, what you did like; when we take the time to get clear on the things that didn’t work, we can stop putting energy where it isn’t serving us so that when the new Moon comes, we are clear on our goals, intentions, and New Moon wishes.

Once we reach the New Moon phase, humans can sometimes be guarded because New Moons also represent change, and for many, that is a difficult thing to do, but if we spend days leading up to it, we can get excited about a change. Especially when we know what is working for us, and then we can expand from there.

New Moon Wishes Explained

New Moon Wishes

There is something really magical about a New Moon. As you have read, I mention wishes – New Moon Wishes. So, you are probably wondering what that is all about. When we take the actions as listed above – getting clear on what works, what doesn’t and prepare to bring in change, then we are ready to bring our manifestation, wishes to light.

How To:
Much of this information comes from Moonology by Yasmin Boland, plus some intuitive takes.

1. Show gratitude for all that you do have in your life right now at this moment.

2. Play some frequency music. Find the Hz you are looking for by googling. As an example, let’s say your new moon wish is to be more spiritually connected. Google “frequency for spiritual connection,” from there, you can likely select a YouTube video or search the 852 Hz for connection on any of your favourite music streaming platforms. Light a candle or incense.

3. Choose up to 10 wishes or intentions for the four weeks of the Lunar cycle. Get as specific as you can. If you are having trouble narrowing it down to what it is precisely that you are wanting, I encourage you to do some personal development practices, such as Reiki, EFT, books, etc.

4. Write the wishes on paper. Express it creatively if you wish. Different shapes of paper, different colours, stickers, just whatever you are called to do. The more energy you invest in this process, it shows the universe your desire and commitment.

5. Read each item aloud – and prioritize. Choose the item(s) that are the most important to you. For your priority wishes or intentions, take this time to visualize it coming to reality and dive into the feelings of having that “thing” come true. Act as if it has already happened. What does that energy feel like?

6. Create affirmations that back up the wish(es), and write that down too.

7. Look at each item and rate from 0-100 what you feel the likelihood is of it coming to be.

8. Go over each item and set intentions on what you plan to do to help these wishes come to light. Sitting and waiting is not going to bring things to you. We have to be willing to take action and watch for guidance along the way.

9. Meditate for a minimum of 15 minutes – and release your dreams into the universe.

10. End your meditation by releasing any attachments to the outcome. Although we set goals, intentions, and wishes, it is not necessarily for our highest good. Try not to control the outcome; aid it with actionable steps. If it is meant to be, it will work; if not – you will come across roadblocks or other signs.

New Moon in Libra Energy

New Moon in Libra energies

The New Moon in Libra is asking for particular energies from you. These are the things that we can focus on to help us through the energy, and ultimately, bring us what we wish for.

Libras are known for being charming, beautiful, and well-balanced. They thrive on making things orderly and aesthetically pleasing. They also crave balance, and they can be equally as self-indulgent as they are generous.

Libra is also a sign of partnership, so use this month to reflect on how well you are getting along with the people in your life. Perhaps some harmony and negotiations would serve the relationships better. Bring harmony and cooperation back into the important relationships in your life.

Because partnerships are significant to the Libra energy – give partnerships special attention during this new Moon. If your marriage or business partnerships need work, issues may come up now – giving you the opportunity to work them out. Libra is social and charming; bring those traits with you when working on your partnerships with this New Moon.

This is also a great time to audit what you are happy with and what you are not and make some negotiations to get you where you need to be satisfied with the situation. If there are areas in your life that are not bringing joy, it is time to assess and reflect on what can be done to make things better. Libra energy wants harmony and balance.

Along with harmony and balance, Libra enjoys things of beauty. Have you brought enough beauty into your spaces that when you look at the space, it makes your heart smile? What are some things that you could do to help you feel great about the spaces you spend time in? Take advantage of this Libra energy of the New Moon to inspire you. Maybe paint a room a new colour; perhaps you frame a photo you’ve been holding on to forever. How about art – do you have some eye-catching pieces in the home that lifts your spirits just by looking at it? So many options are available.

You might have a strong need for balance and harmony now. You probably desire to keep things “nice” rather than venturing into fundamental questions not to disturb the peace. It would help if you learned to share your good and bad feelings. Do not be afraid to be who you really are, despite what is expected of you.

New Moon in Libra Ritual

New Moon in Libra - The Ritual

The Ritual! This is probably my favourite part of these blogs! I love creating rituals that will help people expand into their greatness.

Firstly, I always recommend a journaling practice daily, but especially during significant moon phases, New Moon-Full Moon. I will provide some journal prompts below to get you started, then you will find a numbered list; this is the actual ritual.

The journal prompts will give you some great questions to reflect upon and maybe bring something to light that you can work on through this New Moon.

Journal Prompts

How are you doing when it comes to being a friend, a lover, a partner, a co-worker, or even an ex?

-Am I communicating clearly and productively? If not, where can I improve? What changes can I make to be a more attentive listener and a more clear communicator?
-Can I relate to others?
-When it comes to talking about how I feel or what I feel I deserve, how does it make me feel? If this question makes you uncomfortable, dig into why. Do you feel worthy to receive what you think you deserve? If not, why not?
-Are you feeling as good as you can about yourself?
-Have you lost any sense of self within relationships or partnerships? If so, this is the time for action.

The Ritual

1. Get Moon water ready. You can do this in a couple of ways. I have been leaning more towards the first way I will explain, but listen to yourself on what you think resonates more with you.
– Drinkable Moon Water. For this one, you are just setting out a glass jar of water with a lid outside overnight to absorb the energy of the Moon. In the morning, bring it in, and drink some. This will help supercharge the energetic body and raise the vibe, which allows the ritual to be more effective. Any water you have saved, keep it in the fridge and drink when you need a “pick me up.”
– Fragrant Moon Water – This will not be a drinkable Moon Water, but no less effective. Same idea as above but this time, we are adding things to the water. Get yourself a glass jar or bowl – make sure it can be covered. Add in crystals, fresh or dried herbs, flowers, essential oils, etc. Whatever you are called to. Put it out under the Moon overnight. In the morning, remove all items from the water, and strain it into a spray bottle. Spray yourself and your spaces with the water to invite the energy in and through you. This also raises the vibe and increases the effectiveness of your ritual and wishes.

2. Smudge your space that you will be doing in the ritual. You can use any smudging material, but I always suggest Palo Santo – it’s my favourite

3. Do the New Moon Wishes exercise above

4. At the beginning of the New Moon exercise, it states to show gratitude. After the exercise, I suggest coming back to gratitude. You can say the same gratitudes, or if new things came to mind, use those or add it to the list from earlier.

Crystal Supports

Here are my crystal recommendations to help you with the New Moon energy.

New Moon in Libra - Crystal Recommendations

I hope you take advantage of this beautiful ritual, and I would love to hear your feedback in the comments.

Until Next time,
Relevate the day – Anna xo

Gemstorm Relevation

Full Harvest Moon – October 2020

The full Harvest Moon means no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise for days in succession. In the days before tractor lights, the light from the Harvest Moon helped farmers to gather their crops, despite the diminishing daylight hours. As the sun’s light faded in the west, the moon would soon rise in the east to illuminate the fields throughout the night.

What is the energy of a Full Moon?

Harvest Full Moon - Energies

Generally speaking, full moons are a time to reflect on the results of new moon wishes (more on this soon!), focus on forgiveness and fill the space created with gratitude.

At this time, wishes (manifestations) should be coming to fruition somehow, or at the very least clear direction and guidance from the universe, be ready to keep your eyes and ears open.

Full moons are yang energy that can sometimes make things feel forceful, like coming to a head with past traumas or events that need healing. It is forceful in the most loving of ways, though, encouraging and pushing you to release and let go because, in the end, it is what is best for your higher self and purpose.

It will encourage you to reflect on all of the events that happened in the weeks of a full lunar cycle, what has happened? what worked? What didn’t work? What emotions do you feel ready to release? Is there anything you are willing or able to forgive? When we can forgive events, situations, and people, you can release karma and detox your soul from those negative vibes. That will help you to release negative patterns, toxic thoughts, habits, ways of being that are negative, and even toxic people.

When we release and forgive, it gives our energetic body room to grow. Fill the spaces and growth with gratitude; this will create a very high vibration that will help bring in all of the good stuff the universe has waiting for us.

What Should I Focus on During a Full Moon

Full Moon Focus

Full moons are essentially about a “clean slate”; release what you don’t want – holding on to low vibrational emotions will attract more of it. If you have guilt, fear, disappointment, and jealousy; you need to acknowledge the feelings, forgive them, and let them go; It is a process.

When we hang on to these low vibe emotions, it brings energy into our aura that creates blocks in the chakras, which will block your ability to manifest our new moon wishes. Releasing and letting go of those emotions will take inner-work, and not everybody is ready for that, and that is ok. If you can even find just one little minor thing to release that has been taking up any brain space, you will feel a shift, and you will begin a beautiful connection start with the moon and the earth.

Just be willing to look within, heal, shift blocks, and shed the past. The full moon can sometimes shine or “illuminate” the darker side of ourselves. Do no fear it; we all have this side of us because, without the darkness, we cannot appreciate the lighter side. See it, and shift it as best as you can – always choose to have the bright side win.

Forgiveness Explained

Forgiveness Explained

I know that forgiveness can be a challenging topic for some. I 100% get it. I never thought I could find myself forgiving someone that physically and emotionally abused me, so honestly, I understand. BUT here is the thing about forgiveness. Forgiveness is NOT for the other person; it is not for the person you are forgiving. This forgiveness is for the self because this allows you to move beyond the anger or resentment that is taking up space in your energetic body. Holding on to these energies will only hurt the self; the person or event on the other side of it is likely completely unaffected by your feelings towards whatever transpired. Keeping the energy in the body gives the person or event the power to hurt you repeatedly. Take your power back by forgiving, letting go, and moving forward.

Forgiveness work is probably the main focus of the full moon, as it is through forgiveness that we can heal, move on, raise vibration so that we can fill ourselves with love and hope, happiness and joy.

Harvest Full Moon & The Fall Equinox Energies

Full Moon & Fall Equinox Energies

New seasons are always exciting to me, I love the change in the air, energy, and it just feels like a fresh new start, almost like a New Year kind of vibe.

Usually, we have the Harvest full moon before the Equinox. However, this year, the October 1st Full Moon was closer to the Equinox. This doesn’t affect the moon much, other than it is in a different zodiac than “usual.” Typically every three years, our Harvest moon will fall in October.

This full moon is in the firey Aries sign. These signs will benefit the most from this moon: Aries, Geminis, Leos, Librans, Sagittarians, and Aquarians – other zodiac signs may have more difficulty in this energy.

So, what is this moon energy asking of us?

This energy wants us to put some focus on the self. Audit your actions over the last month. What kind of things have been done or said that hasn’t necessarily been helpful to self or others. Ask yourself this:

1 – Have I been hot-headed, selfish, or argumentative this month?
2 – Have I been going too fast or been impulsive this month?
3 – Have I been bold, blunt, or too competitive?
4 – Have I ignored other people’s more refined sensibilities?
5- Have I had enough fun this month?

Remember that life is not a race or a competition; accept yourself exactly as you are, even if the answers to the above questions are less than desirable.

This energy also wants you to put some focus on your relationships. Make the time for your friends, and connect. If you feel you have no friends, find your tribe! It may take some time, but remember that what we put out is what we get back. So, if you make it seem like you have no time for friends, there will be no time. If you feel you are not able to make friends, you won’t. Make yourself a list of affirmations to help you attract the people you do want in your life. And if any of them don’t feel “true,” be willing to investigate and question why.

As an example:
Thought: I feel like I am too shy to make new friends
Affirmation: I am willing to make new friends
Tail ender thoughts: but I am too shy
Investigation: Why do I feel I am too shy?
Answer: My mother used to tell me all of the time, I needed to be more outgoing to make friends.

This process will help you get to the bottom of your feelings and find the root. When we do this, we can heal from those thought patterns and change them to what we want, in turn changing our lives into what we really want.

Take the energy of the new season as a chance and opportunity to redefine your thought patterns, emotions, and traumas.

The Ritual

Full Moon Ritual

The ritual for this full moon is going to have a few parts to it. We will start with a forgiveness practice, gratitude, and a couple of other recommendations.

First, to prepare for this practice, use the questions above to reflect on and journal your results. This is something you can easily do before the full moon if you want to take some time to get clear on what you are ready or willing to forgive and anything you may be willing to release or take responsibility.

Forgiveness Practice

Now that the journaling process is done and you have made a list, or the “forgiveness list,” it is time to start the forgiveness process.

  1. Have your page with the list ready
  2. Cleanse the space with Sage or Palo Santo
  3. Sit comfortably, and get ready to begin.
  4. Take long, deep breaths until you feel calm and at ease, send breath to any tension in the body as well.
  5. Close your eyes and begin to visualize each person or event listed that you are willing to forgive.
  6. Visualize each person or event being wrapped up in a bubble – you get to chose the colour.
  7. See all of the bubbles and begin to create a good feeling towards them.
  8. Say silently or out loud, “I forgive you.”
  9. Now see all of the bubbles float away. If you have any bubbles that are having trouble leaving, forgive yourself for not being ready to release it, and we can try again at the next moon.
  10. Take your forgiveness list and burn it; this will signify and solidify the release.
  11. When you are ready, open your eyes, and recite this to close the forgiveness practice and bring in karma release.
    “Under the glorious Full Moon, I forgive everything, everyone, every experience, every memory of the past or present that needs forgiveness. I forgive everyone positively. I also forgive myself for past mistakes. The universe is love, and I am forgiven and governed by love alone. Love is now adjusting my life. Realizing this, I abide in peace.”

Gratitude Practice

Now that we have forgiven, we have created space within our bodies. We want to fill these spaces with gratitude; this will raise our vibration and attract more joy, happiness, and love.

  1. Take a moment to think of at least three people, places, events, etc., that you are grateful for; feel the joy run through your body as you begin to think about all that you have to be grateful for.
  2. Write out a list of what/who you are grateful for.
  3. Read your list out loud or in your head three times.
  4. Now say out loud, or in your head, “I know that I am blessed, and I live my life within that knowing. I live my life with gratitude and from my heart. I am a conscious creator, and being grateful is at the core of my being for balance.”

Additional supports

Moon Water – You will notice that I will recommend this every time. Moon water is a powerful way to keep the full Moon energy flowing after it has gone, and it is super simple to make.

  1. Get a glass jar or bowl that can be covered, fill with water.
  2. Place water outside overnight to soak up the energy
  3. In the morning, place the water in your fridge – drink from it any time you feel the need for some illumination.
  4. If you have a spray bottle, put some of your moon water in it and spritz your room or space. This will help keep the energy positive in your space and remind you of the beautiful forgiveness and gratitude practice you did.

Crystals – two things I want to mention about crystals. First, get all your crystals outside to charge for the night. If you cannot put them out safely, a windowsill that gets moonlight will also work. Crystals can cleanse and charge under a full moon. The Full Moon can amplify their energies as well. Secondly, I have some recommendations specifically for this moon energy.

The crystals that can help you the most through this full moon are crystals that can help you speak your real truth and to help you look at the parts of the self that have maybe hindered goals or progress on your journey, and if “having enough fun” was answered no, I have a crystal suggestion for that too.

Amazonite – The ultimate speak your truth crystal. It can calm and balance the mental body, allowing you to hear what that inner-voice is actually saying. It aids with the communication of thoughts and feelings so that you can be heard, but it will also help you listen to what others and self have been trying to communicate with you. It brings in self-awareness and self-confidence, so when it does come time to speak your truth out, it can be heard without emotional energy behind it.

Black Tourmaline – This crystal will help keep you grounded through all of the emotional feelings that may come up as you do this ritual. It will help you determine what is real and what is true. It has potent earth energy that can help you feel supported, even if you are “alone.” (I quote alone because nobody is ever truly alone ? ) It can purify and cleanse the emotional body of negative thoughts, anger, and feelings of unworthiness.

Blue Kyanite – This crystal has a high vibe with a rapid transfer of energy. If your vibe has been low and you feel lost on what to do, how to do, RESISTING to do the work, this crystal will help you. Blue Kyanite can bridge the gap between the bodies that can sometimes create anxiety, but it can also provide a bridge to your higher self and the spiritual realm to help you find the answers to the questions you have been asking. It can align the chakras in the bodies, and it encourages self-expression—aids with breaking negative patterns and cycles of self-destruction.

I hope you have enjoyed this Full Moon blog, and if you have read this far, please leave me some comments below. I would love to hear your feedback, and even shifts if you’re willing to share <3

Until next time,

Relevate the day – Anna xo

Feel free to follow me on all the socials – search @gemstormrelevation
I am on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Etsy ?

Gemstorm Relevation - Author

New Moon In Virgo 2020

Welcome to the last New Moon of Summer in 2020, coming September 17th at 7 am Eastern time. If you’re anything like me, you are welcoming Fall in with open arms. There is something so beautiful and electric about season changes. New goals, new intentions, almost as if it were a new year!

The new Moon can be just as exciting as a full moon! The days leading up to the New Moon is a very healing time for us. We take a look at the inside and start to make decisions about the future, and getting clear on what it is that we want in this life. The New Moon is a time to take those decisions and set some intentions, goals, and wishes.

What is the energy of a New Moon?

New Moon Energies

The New Moon always brings a level of excitement. It is the start of a new Lunar cycle and represents new beginnings. Wipe the slate clean of whatever did not work for you throughout the last Lunar cycle.

Sometimes the New Moon’s energy can feel like a quiet time where the night seems so long, and it can sometimes bring about dark energy – the New Moon is so small and dark in this phase and hardly visible to the naked eye.

New Moons are the perfect time to set out new goals, intentions, and wishes. After all, it is through the darkness of a New Moon that we can become reborn through our intentions and wishes.

What Should I Focus on During a New Moon

New Moon Focus

The 3-5 days leading up to the New Moon is considered a Balsamic Moon phase. During this time, we are releasing all the intense energies that are lingering from the Full Moon, Disseminating Moon, and Third Quarter Moon. (More on those phases to come)

In the Balsamic phase, we are ready to release, heal, and surrender. Begin the journey inward and think about the forgiveness and release you did through the Full Moon. Anything that is remaining, it is the time to let go now.

This is also a great time to really look at all of the things from the last lunar cycle that didn’t work for you. That could be relationships, your schedule, home life, etc. Get right down to what did work, what didn’t, what you didn’t like, what you did like; when we take the time to get clear on the things that didn’t work, we can stop putting energy where it isn’t serving us so that when the new Moon comes, we are clear on our goals, intentions, and New Moon wishes.

Once we reach the New Moon phase, humans can sometimes be guarded because New Moons also represent change, and for many, that is a difficult thing to do, but if we spend days leading up to it, we can get excited about a change. Especially when we know what is working for us, and then we can expand from there.

New Moon Wishes Explained

New Moon Wishes

There is something really magical about a New Moon. As you have read, I mention wishes – New Moon Wishes. So, you are probably wondering what that is all about. When we take the actions as listed above – getting clear on what works, what doesn’t and prepare to bring in change, then we are ready to bring our manifestation, wishes to light.

How To:
Much of this information comes from Moonology by Yasmin Boland, plus some intuitive takes.

1. Show gratitude for all that you do have in your life right now at this moment.

2. Play some frequency music. Find the Hz you are looking for by googling. As an example, let’s say your new moon wish is to be more spiritually connected. Google “frequency for spiritual connection,” from there, you can likely select a YouTube video or search the 852 Hz for connection on any of your favourite music streaming platforms. Light a candle or incense.

3. Choose up to 10 wishes or intentions for the four weeks of the Lunar cycle. Get as specific as you can. If you are having trouble narrowing it down to what it is precisely that you are wanting, I encourage you to do some personal development practices, such as Reiki, EFT, books, etc.

4. Write the wishes on paper. Express it creatively if you wish. Different shapes of paper, different colours, stickers, just whatever you are called to do. The more energy you invest in this process, it shows the universe your desire and commitment.

5. Read each item aloud – and prioritize. Choose the item(s) that are the most important to you. For your priority wishes or intentions, take this time to visualize it coming to reality and dive into the feelings of having that “thing” come true. Act as if it has already happened. What does that energy feel like?

6. Create affirmations that back up the wish(es), and write that down too.

7. Look at each item and rate from 0-100 what you feel the likelihood is of it coming to be.

8. Go over each item, and set intentions on what you plan to do to help these wishes come to light. Sitting and waiting is not going to bring things to you. We have to be willing to take action and watch for guidance along the way.

9. Meditate for a minimum of 15 minutes – and release your dreams into the universe.

10. End your meditation by releasing any attachments to the outcome. Although we set goals, intentions, and wishes, it is not necessarily what is for our highest good. Try not to control the outcome; aid it with actionable steps. If it is meant to be, it will work; if not – you will come across roadblocks or other signs.

New Moon in Virgo Energy

New Moon in Virgo Energies

Now that you have a better understanding of a New Moon in general. Let’s take a look at what energies the Virgo sign is bringing into it.

Our Virgo people are typically grounded, hard-working, creative, reliable, patient, and kind. It can bring grounded energy into the Earth under this sign.

This energy also wants you to take inventory. As mentioned above, this means taking a closer look at your life for what is or is not working for your highest self—thinking of where in your life you may need to make changes to get more balance and bring in your wishes. Particularly pay attention to your daily routines. What can you improve upon to have more harmony and flow?

Find some time to be of service to others – Virgo is kind energy, and when we are on this kind of path of healing and manifesting, giving back by being of service to others lifts the vibration and soul. This could be as simple as smiling at a stranger; you never know what kind of impact that can have on somebody.

Daily habits, the Virgo energy wants you to care for yourself on all levels, especially your health and daily habits. Startup a morning and night routine that shows genuine care to the self. Such as meditation in the morning and reading a chapter of a book at night. You can add more to it if you want, but if you are new on this path, start slow and small to build yourself up to 30-60 min in the morning and evening for a routine.

Virgo’s can be known as picky sometimes and even a bit critical of others. With the New Moon energy, we want to avoid finding all of the faults, even though they are going to be seen in your eyes as blatantly obvious. Choose love no matter what, especially with self. Don’t be looking in the mirror and thinking all of these terrible thoughts about yourself; instead, choose to see what you love.

Get organized! Virgo’s are very hard-working, and a lot of their success comes from being incredibly organized. That could be in the home, office, and even your calendar. When I am in a session as a spiritual coach, I talk a lot about the calendar. I ask my clients to schedule every minute of their day – this includes scheduling downtime. If you have it written down on a calendar, planner, or phone, it is easy to see what you have set in place for the day, and help keep you organized so you don’t forget an appointment, event, or even some self-care time. Scheduling yourself in for your morning and evening routines will help you be consistent, and when we are consistent, we can get clear on what works, what doesn’t, and what we are truly desiring.

New Moon in Virgo Ritual

New Moon Ritual

The Ritual! This is probably my favourite part of these blogs! I love creating rituals that will help people expand into their greatness.

1. Get Moon water ready. You can do this in a couple of ways. I have been leaning more towards the first way I will explain, but listen to yourself on what you think resonates more with you.
– Drinkable Moon Water. For this one, you are just setting out a glass jar of water with a lid outside overnight to absorb the Moon’s energy. In the morning, bring it in, and drink some. This will help supercharge the energetic body and raise the vibe, which allows the ritual to be more effective. Any water you have saved, keep it in the fridge and drink when you need a “pick me up.”
– Fragrant Moon Water – This will not be a drinkable Moon Water, but no less effective. Same idea as above but this time, we are adding things to the water. Get yourself a glass jar or bowl – make sure it can be covered. Add in crystals, fresh or dried herbs, flowers, essential oils, etc. Whatever you are called to. Put it out under the Moon overnight. In the morning, remove all items from the water, and strain it into a spray bottle. Spray yourself and your spaces with the water to invite the energy in and through you. This also raises the vibe and increases the effectiveness of your ritual and wishes.

2. Smudge your space that you will be doing in the ritual. You can use any smudging material, but I always suggest Palo Santo – it’s my favourite

3. Do the New Moon Wishes exercise above

4. At the beginning of the New Moon exercise, it states to show gratitude. After the exercise, I suggest coming back to gratitude. You can say the same gratitudes, or if new things came to mind, use those or add it to the list from earlier.

I hope you take advantage of this beautiful ritual, and I would love to hear your feedback in the comments.

Until Next time,
Relevate the day – Anna xo

Full Corn Moon – In Pisces

The name “Corn Moon” is related to the harvest time of Corn, and it is coming to us on September 2nd, 2020, at 1:22 am EDT. This moon would indicate to our ancestors that it was time to begin harvesting the corn crops. Typically (2 out of 3 years), the Harvest Full Moon would fall in September. However, this year the Harvest Full Moon comes October 1st as that is the full moon closest to the fall equinox (more information on the Full Harvest Moon to come)

What is the energy of a Full Moon?

The Energy of a Full Moon

Generally speaking, full moons are a time to reflect on the results of new moon wishes (more on this soon!), focus on forgiveness and fill the space created with gratitude.

At this time, wishes (manifestations) should be coming to fruition somehow, or at the very least clear direction and guidance from the universe, be ready to keep your eyes and ears open.

Full moons are yang energy that can sometimes make things feel forceful, like coming to a head with past traumas or events that need healing. It is forceful in the most loving of ways, though, encouraging and pushing you to release and let go because, in the end, it is what is best for your higher self and purpose.

It will encourage you to reflect on all of the events that happened in the weeks of a full lunar cycle, what has happened? what worked? What didn’t work? What emotions do you feel ready to release? Is there anything you are willing or able to forgive? When we can forgive events, situations, and people, you can release karma and detox your soul from those negative vibes. That will help you to release negative patterns, toxic thoughts, habits, ways of being that are negative, and even toxic people.

When we release and forgive, it gives our energetic body room to grow. Fill the spaces and growth with gratitude; this will create a very high vibration that will assist with bringing in all of the good stuff the universe has waiting for us.

What Should I Focus on During a Full Moon

Full Moon Focus

Full moons are essentially about a “clean slate”; release what you don’t want – holding on to low vibrational emotions will attract more of it. If you have guilt, fear, disappointment, and jealousy; you need to acknowledge the feelings, forgive them, and let them go; It is a process.

When we hang on to these low vibe emotions, it brings energy into our aura that creates blocks in the chakras, which in turn will block your ability to manifest our new moon wishes. Releasing and letting go of those emotions will take inner-work, and not everybody is ready for that, and that is ok. If you can even find just one little minor thing to release that has been taking up any brain space, you will feel a shift, and you will begin a beautiful connection begin with the moon and the earth.

Just be willing to look within, heal, shift blocks, and shed the past. The full moon can sometimes shine or “illuminate” the darker side of ourselves. Do no fear it; we all have this side of us because, without the darkness, we cannot appreciate the lighter side. See it, and shift it as best as you can – always choose to have the bright side win.

Forgiveness Explained

What Forgiveness Truly Is

I know that forgiveness can be a challenging topic for some. I 100% get it. I never thought I could find myself forgiving someone that physically and emotionally abused me, so honestly, I understand. BUT here is the thing about forgiveness. Forgiveness is NOT for the other person; it is not for the person you are forgiving. This forgiveness is for the self because this allows you to move beyond the anger or resentment that is taking up space in your energetic body. Holding on to these energies only will hurt the self. The person or event on the other side of it is likely completely unaffected by your feelings towards whatever transpired. Keeping the energy in the body gives the person or event the power to hurt you over and over again. Take your power back by forgiving, letting go, and moving forward.

Forgiveness work is probably the main focus of the full moon, as it is through forgiveness that we can heal, move on, raise vibration, and fill ourselves with love and hope, happiness and joy.

Forgiveness explained - Full Corn Moon

Energies of the Full Moon in Pisces

Energies of the signs

This full moon in Pisces is coming at us during the Virgo season. These energies can bring about some very high emotions; some deep wounds may become exposed; however, the Virgo energy is very supportive and grounding while we go through this shift. The energy of these two will amplify emotions and feelings; it may even trigger some anxiety. BUT this is actually good and good for you. Through this increased energy, we will be able to fully see and witness our true feelings, past pain and recognize where some of our blocks may be.

Being able to see it all will allow you to heal it and bring all of your bodies back into balance; If you are willing and able, take advantage of this energy and accelerate your spiritual growth. If this is something you feel you want to do but maybe need a bit of additional support, reach out to me – this is what I aim to facilitate through spiritual coaching practices. I honour you for being here and reading this; it likely means you resonate with this, and I want you to know that I send you to love and light. This journey is not an easy one to be on, but with tools and support, humans are capable of anything truly.

The energies of Pisces and Virgo are genuinely mystical energy to have paired with a full moon – if you feel called to exploring your innate psychic gifts, this is the time to tap in.

Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Ritual

The ritual for this full moon is going to have a few parts to it. We will start with a forgiveness practice, gratitude, and a couple of other recommendations.

First, to prepare for this practice, I have some questions for you to reflect on and journal your results. This is something you can easily do before the full moon if you want to take some time to get clear on what you are ready or willing to forgive and anything you may be willing to release or take responsibility for.

  1. Have I taken enough action towards my dreams?
  2. Have I been overly sensitive or easily hurt?
  3. Have I been forging my path, or am I following another’s path?
  4. Have I been making my self-healing practices a daily priority?
  5. Have I been willing to listen to my intuition?
  6. What are some habits, thought patterns, or upset that you might be willing to release? When you write down the answer, get into as much detail as you are willing to about each.
  7. Is there anyone that has upset you or is upsetting you now? Allow yourself to go back to childhood if anything comes to mind.
  8. List all of the names or events that have or are causing upset. Write down as much about it as you wish. Do this on its own page.

Forgiveness Practice

Now that the journaling process is done and you have made a list, or the “forgiveness list,” it is time to start the forgiveness process.

  1. Have your page with the list ready
  2. Cleanse the space with Sage or Palo Santo
  3. Sit comfortably, and get ready to begin.
  4. Take long, deep breaths until you feel calm and at ease, send breath to any tension in the body as well.
  5. Close your eyes and begin to visualize each person or event listed that you are willing to forgive.
  6. Visualize each person or event being wrapped up in a bubble – you get to chose the colour.
  7. See all of the bubbles and begin to create a good feeling towards them.
  8. Say silently or out loud, “I forgive you.”
  9. Now see all of the bubbles float away. If you have any bubbles that are having trouble leaving, forgive yourself for not being ready to release it, and we can try again at the next moon.
  10. Take your forgiveness list and burn it; this will signify and solidify the release.
  11. When you are ready, open your eyes, and recite this to close the forgiveness practice and to bring in karma release.
    “Under the glorious Full Moon, I forgive everything, everyone, every experience, every memory of the past or present that needs forgiveness. I forgive everyone positively. I also forgive myself for past mistakes. The universe is love, and I am forgiven and governed by love alone. Love is now adjusting my life. Realizing this, I abide in peace.”

Gratitude Practice

Now that we have forgiven, we have created space within our bodies. We want to fill these spaces with gratitude; this will raise our vibration and attract more joy, happiness, and love.

  1. Take a moment to think of at least three people, places, events, etc., that you are grateful for, feel the joy run through your body as you begin to think about all that you have to be grateful for.
  2. Write out a list of what/who you are grateful for.
  3. Read your list out loud or in your head three times.
  4. Now say out loud, or in your head, “I know that I am blessed, and I live my life within that knowing. I live my life with gratitude and from my heart. I am a conscious creator, and being grateful is at the core of my being for balance.”

Additional supports

Moon Water – You will notice that I will recommend this every time. Moon water is a powerful way to keep the full Moon energy flowing after it has gone, and it is super simple to make.

  1. Get a glass jar or bowl that can be covered, fill with water.
  2. Place water outside overnight to soak up the energy
  3. In the morning, place the water in your fridge – drink from it any time you feel the need for some illumination.
  4. If you have a spray bottle, put some of your moon water in it and spritz your room or space with it. This will help keep the energy positive in your space and remind you of the beautiful forgiveness and gratitude practice you did.

Crystals – two things I want to mention about crystals. First, get all your crystals outside to charge for the night. If you cannot put them out safely, a windowsill that gets moonlight will also work. Crystals can cleanse and charge under a full moon. The Full Moon can amplify their energies as well. Secondly, I have some recommendations specifically for this moon energy.

  1. Amethyst – this crystal is amazing for emotional balance, so if some of this forgiveness work is getting difficult, you can lean on the support of this crystal. It also aids in bringing inner peace and tranquillity.
  2. Carnelian – this is an excellent crystal if there is a lot of anger and resentment resting in the energetic body due to past traumas/events. It can aid in calming rage and protect from rage coming from others. It helps to remove negativity and substitutes it with a zest for life.
  3. Moonstone – this is one to have if the emotions are becoming way too much to handle. It is very gentle and has excellent ease. It can also assist with drawing out old emotional patterns – so this would be good to use during the journaling process.

I hope you have enjoyed learning about this Full Moon coming at around 1:22 am EDT.

Until next time,

Relevate the Day – Anna xo

Anna Wheatcroft

Moon Phases Explained

With moon phases explained, we will discover what energy is best to bring with you through each phase. Such as whether or not goal setting is a good idea right now, when is a good time for intention setting? When is a good time for release? And more.

Moon Phases

Moon phases explained; Lunar phases are like the relationship between the sun and the moon (The god and the goddess) A full moon, for example, is seen to be more potent because the full light of the sun (god) is illuminating the moon (goddess). Depending on the phase, it will tell us in which energy we are. Less illumination from the sun means more goddess energy and vice versa.

New Moon – the beginning of the new phase cycle, there is no direct sunlight reflection leaving the moon very small and dull, possibly even unseen.

The new moon symbolizes new beginnings. Think of the new moon as not only your fresh start but also a time to retreat to gain strength to begin again with new intentions in mind for the nest phase.

Waxing Crescent – Appears less than half illuminated until it “waxes” or “grows bigger” into the next phase, the first quarter.

This energy represents intention, hopes, and wishes. After recharging under a new moon, your intentions and desires are ready to be planted.

First Quarter – Exactly half of the moon is illuminated, and the other half shadowed.

This moon phase signifies decision-making. It is also a beautiful reminder to balance our bright side with our shadow side. It’s about appreciating both sides but recognizing your true self and the desires that come from the heart.

Waxing Gibbous – Not yet fully illuminated, but there is more light than dark.

It is an excellent time for manifestation; your intentions and desires have been growing since the new moon phase, and now is the time for your hard work to come to fruition. It may still take some time to see all accomplishments come to light, but keep goals and intentions strong and true – The wheels ARE in motion.

Full Moon – Full illumination

It represents completion, the height of power, the realization of your desires, and the peak of clarity. A time to celebrate your growth, to take note of your progress, and reflect on how far you’ve come.

Waning Gibbous – After a full moon, the moon wanes (becomes smaller) into the last quarter.

This phase represents release, letting go, forgiveness, and gratitude. As the waning moon, it is time to shrink ego and allow the release. Show gratitude to all the things you are ready to release because those are the things that got you here today, it just no longer serves you, but be thankful for it.

Last Quarter – Half of the moon illuminated, much like the first quarter, now it is just the opposite side illuminated.

It is another reminder to embrace both sides of us, the bright side that is motivated, along with our shadow self, that doesn’t always bring out the best in us, a balance needed for the harmony of both sides. It is in the darkness that we can find the light, don’t shy away from those shadow selves. The focus of this phase is letting go of anger and resentment. To cleanse to prepare for the next new moon phase. Be willing to look at what isn’t working for you anymore.

Waning CrescentThe fraction of the moon that is illuminated is decreasing on its way to the new moon phase.

Represents a time of surrender, rest, and recuperate. It isn’t the best time to be setting new intentions, just relax and surrender to the will of the universe. You have been putting the work in through the last seven phases, enjoy and reflect on what worked and maybe what didn’t work so well. You may feel a little down or low energy between this phase and the new moon phase, and it is natural. You have spent the last three phases on releasing and letting go, which takes a lot of emotional energy.

Moon Phases Explained – Final thoughts

Moon Phases Explained - Final thoughts

Just as the moon provides an ebb and flows to our oceans, it gives an ebb and flow to our own lives. Some ebbs feel hard, but it will release and allow flow to come back through. Especially when we are doing the work, we need to shift out of limiting beliefs that hold us back, and when we are working on new intentions and goals.

Now that the moon phases explained has helped you understand what energy to bring through the phases, I recommend you try following the advice for a month or two, keep a journal, and see what happens in that time. Did things seem to flow more smoothly? Did you find yourself with more time? More productive? Did you find releasing old energies easier when following the phases? I am genuinely interested to hear about your experiences, leave me a comment below.

Until next time,

Relevate the day — Anna xo

New Moon In Cancer 2020

Welcome to the next major astrological event in June!

This one has just as much energy as the full moon, for a few different reasons. First, we have a solar eclipse happening, we have a new moon in cancer 2020, and we have summer solstice all coming to ahead at the same time. (Oh and throw a Mercury retrograde in there too)

Since the Strawberry full moon on June 5th, you likely have found some answers to the questions you may have been seeking. If you have set some goals or are making decisions that may change the direction of your path, this new moon in cancer 2020 is your time to step up to your dreams and deliver everything you have.

This energy is very intense for a new moon. It is going to be so vital that we practice patience and allow the universe to guide the way it might be too easy to fall into a spiral of chaos, one step at a time, friends.

Let’s read below what each event is bringing to the table for us, and we can understand the circumstances better. Maybe allowing us the space to get the message instead of being lost in the dramatics of the energy.

Solar Eclipse June 2020

New moon in Cancer 2020 - Solar eclipse

We officially entered eclipse season during the Strawberry full moon with a partial lunar eclipse. The new moon in June 2020 is offering up a partial solar eclipse, most of the sun will be covered, but due to placement of the moon, it will leave a sun-ring all around the moon.

This is going to bring some nervous energy, but taking a look to understand what is coming your way will prepare you to witness it, and get mental clarity on the correct direction for your new path, or new twist along the way.

The most substantial aspect of this eclipse is – the sun conjunct moon – this energy brings opportunities, possibilities. Without force or expectation, put yourself in front of your plans for the future. The universe is opening a portal where fresh starts and new beginnings are favoured and celebrated. Now is the time for any action steps the universe is giving you; look for the signs. Communicate with the universe what you want your sign to be. For example, when I am really questioning things or my path/decisions – I ask the universe to send me a sign if I am going in the correct direction, I usually ask for a butterfly. Remember that not seeing the sign is also a sign.

This eclipse is going to cause an imbalance between wants versus needs – the classic inner battle. We will begin to want to do things that we maybe cannot due to restrictions. We may become agitated, feeling like we need personal freedoms to come above responsibilities. The energy can pull us towards pleasure-seeking, impulsiveness, and recklessness. Remain patient with your self. You are learning so much about your inner desires right now that it is easy to get pulled between two worlds. Take time and really lean into the faith that the universe will catch up to your dreams, allow things to unfold, and stop trying to control an outcome. That works against the universe’s will for you, it ultimately has the best plan in place for you. Let it go – surrender

Summer Solstice June 2020

New Moon in Cancer 2020- Summer solstice

The summer solstice is more than longer days, beaches, vacations, etc. Spiritually, it is much deeper than just the placement of our axis. There is a certain energy and buzz that comes with the summer solstice. To understand the energy, let’s explore the deeper meaning of this solstice.

Summer solstice brings an imbalance of day and night. The days are longer than the nights. Creating fierce masculine energy at the time of the solstice.

  • Day – Yang/Masculine energy
  • NIght – Yin/Feminine energy

This can be difficult energy for sensitives as they are usually battling their worthwhile the forceful masculine energy wants to speak out true desires and needs – significant personal clarity. Be patient with yourself my fellow sensitives, it can feel hard to have that fire burning in front of you – let that fire in, the universe has got you.

For everyone, it is going to create shift and change when in conjunction with the other energies floating around. Take it in and enjoy it. Something big is on the way

New Moon in Cancer 2020

New moon in Cancer 2020

This is where the energy is going to become emotional. While we are steeping into passion and greatness, having those inner battles of want versus need, the emotion that the new moon in Cancer 2020 brings is healing, ultimately. This emotional release is allowing growth, and new life (passion) to be born within you. All of these energies are working in favour of forgiveness, release, and clarity for the future. It might feel stressful if you allow all of the energies to take you over. Just breathe and know that you will be ok! I’ll repeat it, be patient. Sometimes the best action is allowing things to unfold.

The new moon in Cancer 2020 also wants to remind us that having fun is ok too. Allow some time for some good old child-like fun! Yes, we want clarity, forge the new path on our journey, but part of that is being able to have fun and laugh at yourself every once in a while.

Closing thoughts

If you are finding it all to be a little too much, then really dive into what you are thankful for. Gratitude during difficult times can be incredibly therapeutic. It makes the ego sit quietly for a moment as you allow your soul to sing praises. Choose to be happy in the now and appreciate all you have, even if it isn’t everything you want. The more you are grateful towards what you have will allow the wants to manifest.

Don’t allow the chaotic energies around you to suck you in. Witness what comes, process it, and let it go. I know it might feel impossible, but nothing is happening to you, it is happening for you. Enjoy the ride.

New Moon in Cancer 2020 – The Ritual

New Moon in Cancer 2020 - The ritual

This energy is really all about choices – so this ritual is going to reflect how to witness wants and needs,

You will need:

  • Journal/paper and pen
  • Smudge stick
  • 3 candles (white)
  • Piece of selenite (if you have it)

Journal prompts
We begin by taking the time to write out all the desires you have for your future, get as specific as you can.

  • I feel healthiest when I am doing _____
  • I feel happiest when I am doing ______
  • I feel my purpose is______
  • o When I think of my purpose, I feel____
  • o I see
  • o I smell
  • o I hear
  • o I taste

Now get really specific about that purpose and imagine that you already have it, and that is is part of your reality now. Paint yourself a picture of how a typical day goes. How do you start the day all the way to how it is ended. Write every detail. Basically, write a “fiction” about what the day in the life of you is when you are serving your purpose.

After journaling is complete, smudge your mediation space and self.

Light 3 white candles

hold selenite in your non-dominant hand

Use a white light meditation found online, or join me on Facebook for a group guided mediation.

Full Moon June 2020 – Strawberry Moon

Get ready for some major shifts with this major lunar event! Not only are we looking at a full moon in Sagittarius, but we are in a Venus retrograde during the Gemini season, AND we are entering eclipse season starting with a partial lunar eclipse with the full moon June 2020. Read on for some great info, and you can watch my live chat about it 

New Moon to Full Moon; Energy shifts

After the New Moon in Gemini on May 22nd, it left us facing some personal and collective truths. Some of which have been hard, really hard. Take a look at the world around us and what has been unfolding in front of us. Whether we recognize it or not, we are shifting and releasing energy like never before, with that comes change, and change always has some messy parts before the going gets good.

We are sorting through what has been working, what hasn’t, what is serving our highest and most authentic selves; that energy became evident over the last week. On some levels, we are getting the answers, personally or for the collective. You may not have been able to recognize it as yet. You may have noticed that your emotions are riding its very own roller coaster, up, down, and side to side. It may have been coming out in anger, sadness, confusion, fog, etc.

This is where the full moon in June 2020 will help.

Let’s explore what is going on during this lunar event on June 5th, 2020

The Powerhouses

The Powerhouses

This full moon June 2020 is bringing some power-house energies into our planet, let’s start with Sagittarius being the house in this full moon.

Sagittarius is a fire sign, and with that brings about a lot of passion – some times, it can come out and may be perceived as aggressive. Sags are also all about big ideas and seeing the bigger picture in a situation. They are our intellectual thinkers, our truth seekers, and our warriors of injustice. It is the energy that we are seeing in the world right now. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, which helps to bring out expansion, joy, and growth. Although sometimes can be blunt and opinionated, it will help clear the path to the answers and truth you seek. This full moon June 2020 is a significant truth bringer as it lights the way forward with crisp, clear, definite terms.

The partial lunar eclipse – it may have you feeling like you’re drowning in all this energy, overwhelmed, and maybe dreading the week ahead. Remember, the eclipses can affect everyone differently, depending on the season, your sign, the year, and other factors. This event is just really about bringing the truth to light (we seem to have a running theme here in these events). It’s about transformation, becoming new and different from before because it has to change. Things are not working, and things are not serving you. If we remain tied up into these little boxes we used to fit into; there is nowhere to grow. This energy is begging for us to shift gears – explore and experiment like that of our Sagittarius brothers and sisters. It’s not time to become rigid and dogmatic. Push those boundaries and take your stand.

We have Mars in Pisces that gives us very questioning energy, asking why we feel we need to battle to earn our existence. Why do we need to earn, spend, battle, and buy our way into existence or loveability? It is a program we picked up a long time ago, and it’s the backbone of modern society. We are feeding on the fears of not being exactly enough as you are. Needing to buy things to prove status or worthiness, a battle for your place in the world – but your place is here among the rest, but why do we feel we have to fight for existence at all? We are challenging these programs. It affects how we love ourselves, how we allow ourselves to show up, how we love others, how we set boundaries, and how it affects our cultures.

Lastly, we have the Venus retrograde that is happening during the beginning of the eclipse season. It is a pretty big event, as this hasn’t happened with Sagittarius in the full moon in about ten years! Venus is the planet of love, values, and beauty. Retrograde is a term used when it appears as if the planet is moving backwards, and in this case, it may feel like each of those areas are being challenged, or even feeling like they are moving backwards as well.

The Square Off

All of these events are coming together at the exact right time for the collective. It feels like a stand-off or a battle that is emerging, and yes, it is, but maybe not quite what you think.

The Square off - Full moon June 2020

The square-off between these energies and planets are forcing us to have a look into the past. What is in our history? How does it affect us? What is not serving us? Are we prisoners of our past? Recognizing when and what to let go. Look at precisely what is happening right now, are you seeing history repeating itself? Are you seeing people not being heard and pushing the limits?

We are feeling our past right now in one way or another. Maybe it is dropping back into your life, suddenly people from the past are reaching out to you. It could also be coming to you in your dreams, dreaming of past situations or people. Historical events are happening again, although not the same, there is a familiarity here.

The full moon June 2020 is asking us to acknowledge the past but not to objectify it and turn it into this thing that decides who we are today. Who we are going to be through the next expansion, the next level up. This Sagittarius moon is asking us to look at what it is that we do want to expand, what we want to step into, how we can imagine beyond our usual limits of perception. To agree that the past is not an object that can physically hold us back any longer – we are capable of change.

This energy can help heal the collective. We as humans have endured a lot of pain, and agreeably some humans more than others – nevertheless the pain is happening now in many forms across the globe. There is violence, illness, and injustice. Acknowledge the pain, the hurt, and the injustices. But don’t get caught up in the lower vibrations of these actions to define you. These actions are the kind of things that the Sagittarius energy thrives. It thrives on the energy of change, the passion of righting the wrongs and standing tall with an unwavering passion for truth. Embrace this invitation from the Sagittarius moon; it does not want you to keep fitting into the box – it prevents your growth, prevents evolution, and plays history on repeat. It is not just for the self, but the collective. We all need massive healing from the pain and grief we’ve been experiencing for months, no matter your location.

It is time to recognize that what we think is still dictating who we are today and who we will be in the future. Make choices, and decisions about what we want, what we want to see changed, what beliefs we’ve held on to the keeps us in that box. It is a reminder that those things are just in the past, and it cannot define you if you do not allow it.

This lunar event is going to help you gain some clarity, get honest with yourself, how to forgive the past, let go of being “battle” ready, and allow in an expanded view of our lives. It can help us see how we can improve and heal the collective as well as the self. There is going to be a lot of fire bubbling up for you to witness. Witnessing this fire and passion is going to help you catapult into the changes needed for self and the globe. Stand together and stand tall.

Full Moon June 2020 – The Ritual

As usual with any moon content, I am providing a step by step ritual that will assist you with witnessing your emotions, allowing them to be released, and stand up in your power.

Full Moon June 2020 - The Ritual

What you will need:

  • Journal/paper and pen
  • Smudging tool (sage, palo santo, incense, essential oils)
  • Metal bowl, or a safe space to burn paper
  • 639 Hz heart chakra music (you can find this on YouTube or Spotify, just search the frequency)


  1. Start by smudging your meditation space and self. While smudging, set your intention for the ritual by stating, “With this full moon ritual, I am practicing witnessing my emotions and the art of releasing the past that holds me back. I open my heart to accept and love myself exactly as I am, exactly where I am” – or something to that effect which resonates with you
  2. Write it out – take some time to dump all the emotions that you are feeling, describe the feelings right down to where you may be feeling it in your body. Write out all the things from the past that you think may be holding you back. Now take your paper(s) and set it on fire (please safely do this in a safe space, or if unable to burn just tear it up) As the paper burns or tears, say: “by burning this paper, I release all the emotions and past events that hold me back today. I cut all cords and ties to these old programs that are no longer serving my highest self. I give thanks to the lessons, and see them for what they are, now it is time to go.”
  3. Get into a comfortable position either sitting or laying down (under the moon is the most powerful place to be, but if that is not possible, by a window will work)
  4. Find the 639 Hz heart chakra music to help open the heart to self-forgiveness of the things you released, and to open the heart to compassion on all levels. Find a track that is at least 20 minutes – or set a soft timer to go off after 10 minutes if you can only find long ones.
  5. After your meditation, do a quick body scan, take the time to concentrate on each body part, and if there is any remaining tension or unease, send breath to it. Acknowledge that it is there, thank it for the reminder, and release it with the breath.
  6. OPTIONAL – In the New Moon in Gemini blog, I gave instructions on making moon water, I would recommend making a new batch for the full moon. See instructions here – scroll down to the ritual section.

Set It Free

Let this bring you some clarity as to why you may have been feeling the way that you have been. Between the New Moon and this Full Moon lunar event, a lot has been happening in the energy fields. We are becoming more and more aware, awake, and raising vibrations. It’s been emotionally exhausting the last two weeks, since the new moon we’ve been going through growth, making decisions, manifesting, and gaining clarity on the many truths.

Remember that the full moon signifies completion, the height of power, realizations of desire, and clarity. Take some time to celebrate the growth along the journey and reflect on how far you’ve come.

Relevate the day,

Anna – xo

The New Moon In Gemini 2020 – Moon Phases Explained

Hi friends! In today’s post, we are going to be exploring a few topics

  • Moon Phases
  • The new moon in Gemini 2020, what to expect
  • What your sign needs to know about this new moon
  • New moon ritual

First, let’s learn about the moon phases so we can dig into what today’s new moon in Gemini 2020 is all about.

Moon Phases

Lunar phases are like the relationship between the sun and the moon (The god and the goddess) A full moon, for example, is seen to be more potent because the full light of the sun (god) is illuminating the moon (goddess). Depending on the phase, will tell us which energy we are in. Less illumination from the sun means more goddess energy and vice versa.

New Moon – the beginning of the new phase cycle, there is no direct sunlight reflection leaving the moon very small and dull, possibly even unseen.

The new moon symbolizes new beginnings. Think of the new moon as not only your fresh start but also a time to retreat to gain strength to begin again with new intentions in mind for the nest phase.

Waxing Crescent – Appears less than half illuminated until it “waxes” or “grows bigger” into the next phase, the first quarter.

This energy represents intention, hopes, and wishes. After recharging under a new moon, your intentions and desires are ready to be planted.

First Quarter – Exactly half of the moon is illuminated, and the other half shadowed.

This moon phase signifies decision-making. It is also a beautiful reminder to balance our illuminated side with our shadow side. It’s about appreciating both sides but recognizing your true self and the desires that come from the heart.

Waxing Gibbous – Not yet fully illuminated, but there is more light than dark.

It is an excellent time for manifestation; your intentions and desires have been growing since the new moon phase, and now is the time for your hard work to come to fruition. It may still take some time to see all accomplishments come to light, but keep goals and intentions strong and true – The wheels ARE in motion.

Full Moon – Full illumination

It represents completion, the height of power, the realization of your desires, and the peak of clarity. A time to celebrate your growth, to take note of your progress, and reflect on how far you’ve come.

Waning Gibbous – After a full moon, the moon wanes (becomes smaller) into the last quarter.

This phase represents release, letting go, forgiveness, and gratitude. As the waning moon, it is time to shrink ego and allow the release. Show gratitude to all the things you are ready to release because those are the things that got you here today, it just no longer serves you, but be thankful for it.

Last Quarter – Half of the moon illuminated, much like the first quarter, now it is just the opposite side illuminated.

It is another reminder to embrace both sides of us, the illuminated side that is motivated, along with our shadow self, that doesn’t always bring out the best in us, a balance needed for the harmony of both sides. It is in the darkness that we can find the light, don’t shy away from those shadow selves. The focus of this phase is letting go of anger and resentment. To cleanse to prepare for the next new moon phase. Be willing to look at what isn’t working for you anymore.

Waning CrescentThe fraction of the moon that is illuminated is decreasing on its way to the new moon phase.

Represents a time of surrender, rest, and recuperate. It isn’t the best time to be setting new intentions, just relax and surrender to the will of the universe. You have been putting the work in through the last seven phases, enjoy and reflect on what worked and maybe what didn’t work so well. You may feel a little down or low energy between this phase and the new moon phase, and it is natural. You have spent the last three phases on releasing and letting go, which takes a lot of emotional energy.

Just as the moon provides an ebb and flows to our oceans, it gives an ebb and flow to our own lives. Some ebbs feel hard, but it will release and allow flow to come back through. Especially when we are doing the work, we need to shift out of limiting beliefs that hold us back, and when we are working on new intentions and goals.

New Moon in Gemini 2020

This new moon in Gemini 2020 brings certain magic, the magic of darkness. Not the kind of darkness that keeps you up at night, but the darkness we fall into while on the cusp of transformation—the darkness of the unknown.

As this new moon falls into the sign of Gemini – the twins – we may feel pulled in two opposite directions. Our hearts and our mind have a bit of a disconnect in wants and desires. Or, we may simply feel confused and lost as to what those wants and desires even are. It could bring about a sense of loss or hopelessness. The dark night of a new moon can seem never-ending, but the light always returns—every single time.

Retrograde Saturn is also playing a part in this new moon. It helps to provide grounded energy that the Gemini needs. Gemini’s are known for indecisiveness, and being a bit aloof, this will help us to set new goals, and to think things through more methodically and practically.

It is time to use our power of creation and to make decisions that will stand the test of time. What we set in motion during this new moon is going to follow us around for the remainder of the year, be wise, to accomplish lasting decisions, it is essential to dig into what is happening in our lives. What is working? What is not working? Think long term goals and put them into place as best as you can.

New Moon in Gemini 2020 – for the Zodiac Signs

Aries – March 21-April 19

Because Gemini energy can cause some of us verbal explosions, you will need to be very cautious. Watch the impulses you may have to say something you may regret later, saying something you do not mean, or spilling secrets (even your own). Think before you speak.

Taurus – April 20-May 20

Stay open to advise and kindness of others, try not to let your stubbornness get in the way because you will likely find more accomplishment with the help and advice of others. Do not let pride and ego take the wheel.

Gemini – May 21-June 20

It is time for you to take a step back. Things are starting to boil over, the workload, both personal and professional. It can lead to frustration, and fog in your vision, put your faith back into the universe that all is well. Take time to find some new practices that can help you express yourself. A clear direction will become apparent in time for intention setting in the next moon phase.

Cancer – June 21-July 22

Your intuition and guides are very close to you at this time. Take some time for reflection, soul-searching, and intention setting; your highest self knows what is best for you. Allow it to come. It will help you center and recalibrate.

Leo – July 23-Aug 22

This Gemini moon will have you questioning all the relationships around you. Embrace your leadership qualities and allow those to fall from your contacts that do not fit your purpose any longer. Remove the saboteurs, they are holding you back from the fire from within.

Virgo – Aug 23-Sept 22

At this time, you are reflecting on the partnerships in your life, and they need a tune-up. This change isn’t necessarily going to be an easy one. You must dig deep and find that inner strength to know when to let a partnership go that is no longer on the same trajectory as you.

Libra – Sept 23-Oct 22

At this time, the focus may be challenging for you; however, it is vital to stay on track. Fantasy can be fun, and there is nothing wrong with a little daydreaming, but do not let it consume your time. Putting in the work now will guarantee results.

Scorpio – Oct 23-Nov 21

You have come out of a super moon in your sign, and things might still be feeling a little blurry and surreal. But this energy is going to bring a “fresh start” vibe for you. It is a time to ground, protect your energy and aura, and get your space back (whether that be reorganizing your area or clearing space in your mind). It will help you lay down the foundation of some much-needed boundaries, with self and others.

Sagittarius – Nov 22- Dec 21

This Gemini moon is begging you to find balance. It has been effortless for you to lose yourself in your professional matters, but the relationships around you are suffering. Focus your attention on ways to balance professional and personal relationships so you can stop leaking energy everywhere from the people wanting a bit of your time.

Capricorn – Dec 22-Jan 19

It is going to be easy to get lost in gossip traps at this time. You have to try to avoid the rumour mill because it is going to interfere with your bigger picture plans. Gossip is a massive energy leak that brings the energy in your body down, shutting off abundance. Focus on your personal goals and get back to business.

Aquarius – Jan 20-Feb 18

This moon can trigger some disconnects with financial matters. Do not overspend at this time. You have to adapt and get creative with ways to save and make do with what you have.

Pisces – Feb 19-March 20

You feel on fire right now! The energy of motivation and inspiration is very high at this time. This moon is encouraging you to take a bit of time in reflection, though. Reflect on what it is that you want so you can reel in that energy and focus it on your passion instead of having multiple ventures on the go, eventually draining you entirely.

New Moon Ritual

Since this new moon has a lot to do with reflection and a disconnect between heart and mind, this ritual can help remove stagnant energies from the aura. Removing these energies from the aura will assist the disconnection between heart and mind, assist with indecision that you may be facing, and transform the low vibration energy back into alignment with your highest self.

What you will need:

  • Smudge stick of choice
  • Glass bowl or jar
  • Filtered or distilled water
  • Spray bottle (optional)
  • 1-3 drops of essential oil of choice
  • Flowers or herbs of choice (dried or fresh)
  • Journal and pen

1. The first step is making moon water. Have your bowl clean and ready to go, mash up your flowers or herbs and place in the bowl, add essential oils to bowl, then fill bowl (or jar, whichever you use) with the water. Place the bowl outside where the moon’s energy can penetrate it. Let it sit out overnight

2. Smudge your aura and meditation space with a smudge stick of your choosing. If you don’t have anything, oils and incense work just fine as well. As you are cleansing, say, “I cleanse my aura and space with the power of love and light. I cleanse my aura of anything that is holding me back. I release and let go. I am complete. I am me”.

3. Sit or lay comfortably and put on a moon meditation

4. After meditation, it is time to journal with these prompts.

  • I want the rest of the year to be
  • I am willing to release
  • I am at my happiest when

5. In the morning, retrieve your moon water.

  • Transfer the water to a spray bottle, if you have one, removing any larger pieces of flowers or herbs that will not fit.
  • Spritz your aura and space while reciting a mantra or state an intention. IE: I am ready to receive the blessings of this moon water, May this moon water guide me to my path, May this moon water bring me clarity, etc. Whatever feels right for you.

This moon water can also be used to re-energize your crystals, place any nonporous stones into the water for a few hours to allow it to soak up the moon energy that has been infused in the water.


I hope you have enjoyed learning about the eight moon phases, and seeing what this new moon is bringing to your sign for the next couple of weeks.

As always, if there are any questions or things you would like to talk about further, you can always leave me a comment or a message here. You can also find me on Facebook at Relevate You.

Catch the Facebook Live Video here

Relevate the day,

Gemstorm Relevation