Chakra Lessons – Sacral Chakra

This is article two in the chakra lessons – sacral chakra. We will look at all the issues that can arise when the sacral chakra is out of balance. These issues can affect each of the bodies differently; mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. You can find the video to this blog here.

Chakra Lessons - Sacral Chakra

First, let’s have a glance:

Colour – Orange
Key issues – Relationships, violence, addictions
Physical body – Reproduction
Mental body – Creativity
Emotional body – Joy
Spiritual – Enthusiasm
Element – Water
Sanskrit word – Svadhisthana – “Where your being is established.”

Chakra Lessons – Sacral – intro

The sacral chakra is the center of self-expression and joy. When this chakra is in balance, we feel happy and emotionally balanced. We enjoy meeting new people and having them in our space, and we are generally a lot more friendly. Creativity flows like a river, and our passion and desire fuel us. We have a strong sense of self, and our faith in our choices is strong.

When the Sacral is not functioning at it’s best, it can manifest into different ailments that can affect any or all the bodies. It can lead us to feel unsafe, insecure, prone to addiction, violent outbursts, and so much more. Let’s take a look below at what effects can happen when the Sacral Chakra is blocked or over-active with energies.

Chakra Lessons – Sacral – Creativity and Sexuality

Chakra Lessons - Sacral Chakra - Creativity and sexuality

This chakra is developed between the ages of 8-14. At this time, the Sacral Chakra is beginning to open, creating pre-pubescent hormonal imbalances, and it will likely facilitate puberty in this age range.

Self-esteem and the self-expression begin to develop at this stage as well. We are most connected to creative flow during these years. Any traumas or emotional issues that happen at these ages will develop your “program” towards sexuality and creativity.

If you had reliable support systems in place through the transition that puberty brings, you likely have a very healthy relationship with your body, comfortable with your sexuality, and are pretty clear on who you are and what you like. You will likely have open and clear communication in your intimate relationships.

Stress in this chakra causes us to put up our “defensive walls” to avoid our true feelings, and this may cause some people to relationship jump and feeling like they just cannot “settle down.” It is necessary to release past fears, disillusionments, and disappointing relationship expectations. All of these un-needed energies will imprint itself in this chakra, creating feelings of rigid control, overprotectiveness, jealousy, anger, and the inability to receive love truly.

Chakra Lessons – Sacral – Symptoms of a blocked or over-active Sacral chakra

When the Sacral Chakra is blocked or overactive, physical symptoms can manifest. Some things to look out for if you suspect yours may have a block.

  • Block in the creative flow
  • Lack of inspiration/motivation
  • Feelings of being unsafe
  • Unable to experience intimacy
  • Low sex drive
  • Self-isolating
  • Anti-social behaviours
  • Depressive thoughts/patterns
  • Reproductive issues
  • Kidney or Bladder stones
  • Slow digestion
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lower back pain

What causes a block in the Sacral Chakra

Many daily events can cause blockages, with a routine of self-care; it can be avoided unless there have been more significant challenges in young life. Any kind of sexual assault, if gone untreated (by a therapist or other modalities), can create a massive block leaving that person detached and emotionless.

  • Stress
  • illness
  • Emotional upset
  • Conflicts
  • Sexual traumas
  • Intimate abuse

Symptoms of an overactive Sacral Charka

  • Addictive Behaviors
  • Frequent mood swings
  • overly social
  • Co-dependency
  • Inability to finish projects
  • Lack of focus and discipline
  • Avoid deep thoughts or emotions
  • Bouts of anxiety
  • Physical issues could be found in the Kidney, Bladder, Digestive or Reproductive systems, and hormonal imbalances

Causes of an overactive Sacral Chakra

  • Addictive behaviours with food, sex, and drugs
  • Bottled emotional traumas from ages 8-14
  • Feelings of abandonment in childhood
  • Lack of discipline

Chakra Lessons – Sacral – Helpful Tools

If either of the lists resonates with you, here are some things that can assist you.

Chakra Lessons - Sacral Chakra - Tools

Crystals that can help support the Sacral Chakra.

Carnelian – This crystal has a fantastic energy to it. It can help you to feel empowered in your own body and help clear those survival instincts that keep you stuck in fear. It’s very warm and loving energy that provides strength and independence. It can also be helpful with sexual dysfunctions. You can place a carnelian crystal directly on the sacral chakra, and it will begin to cleanse and clear the chakra. Fun Fact: Carnelian is also an amazing anti-inflammatory crystal, you can place it directly on a pain point to help reduce the intensity of the pain

Emerald – This crystal is all about calm. If you are experiencing more of the overactive traits, placing the emerald on the sacral (or any chakra really) to help bring peace and calm to the center allowing healing to begin.

Moonstone or Aquamarine – you will want either of these when things are feeling chaotic and out of control. If you resonated with many traits on both sides, blocked and overactive, the energy is chaotic in there. This doesn’t equal bad, just lay down with either crystal on the sacral to help bring you balance. Both of them are water element crystals and can assist with the emotional waves that come when one is feeling out of control.
– As a little side note, we don’t control anything. A topic of discussion for another day, but the feeling of out of control can be very unsettling if you do not know how to manage and assist it –

Essential oils that support the Sacral Chakra

Any floral essential oil will benefit the Sacral Chakra; this is the center for femininity – emotions. Floral oils are very emotionally healing as a general rule. However, here is a list of the most commonly used for the Sacral Chakra

  • Sandalwood
  • Jasmine
  • Rose Oil
  • Ylang-Ylang (high feminine energy)
  • Champaca

Yoga poses to open the Sacral Chakra

Yoga is beneficial on many levels, mind, body and soul. Still, we’ve been able to find specific poses that open the Sacral Chakra and allows stagnant energies to release and also help to enable the energy to flow up from the root healthily and vibrantly.

  • Twisting triangle
  • Extended lateral angle pose
  • Pose of Shiva

Final Thoughts

Chakra Lessons - Sacral Chakra - Final thoughts

All of the Chakra centers are vital, but this one is especially important. This is where desire, passion, and sexuality lives – this is the fire element of our bodies. It burns brightly and fiercely. Let it shine.

People that have low self-esteem likely have some sort of block in their chakra that is aligned with past trauma or emotion that got bottled away, programming you to believe that you will never be good enough. Well, guess what?! You are made perfectly; you are exactly as you are supposed to be. If there are things that you don’t like about yourself, ask the question, why? Why do I feel that I am not enough? My parents? My experiences growing up? Something an adult told me?

We all have choices in life, and more than what to have for dinner tonight. We choose what is enough; we decide to see experiences as good or bad. We make those connections at a young age because somebody along the way told us in one way or another that we were not good enough, and as children, we generally accept whatever we are told as truth. Bam, now you have a limiting belief. Some times these people have no idea the implications their words may have on a child, and there is nobody to blame, for the most part, words of worry are expressed in keeping us “safe,” but sets a pattern in a young child’s mind that they were wrong, or not smart enough to do/know better. And honestly, these effects may not even show until we get older and begin to recognize these patterns repeating, the thoughts, the behaviours the addictions etc.

Be mindful and aware of what actions are possibly creating blocks, and be willing to love yourself enough to seek help and support when/where you need it. I am a reiki practitioner that can do energy healings through distance, and I am happy to hold a space of support and healing for you. Find someone locally that you have a connection. Just commit to yourself that you will make the time a priority for your health, and to ensure the happiness within that attracts better functioning relationships, and certain ease and flow in life.

Until next time,

Relevate the day — Anna xoxo

Chakra Lesson – Minor Chakras

Now that we have extensively looked at the Seven major Chakras, it’s time to introduce you to the minor chakras that contribute to your energy. Just because they are named “minor Chakras” this does not diminish their importance. It is more along the line of, once the main ones are functioning then take a look at the function of these more etheric chakras.  Follow along in this chakra lesson, minor chakras. You can get the video of this lesson here.

Earth Star Chakra

At a glance:

Colour: Black (magenta when activated)
Location: Bottoms of feet, spreading out into a circle
Inner aspect: Restructuring of human DNA
Physical body: Awareness of nature
Mental body: Overcoming polarity
Spiritual body: Preparation for light body ascension

Next in the chakra lesson – minor chakras, we will look at crystals to use with Earth Star Chakra.
Activation: Clear Quartz
Balance, and heal: Black or green tourmaline, moss agate, black obsidian, rose quartz, turquoise, moonstone, smokey quartz

Chakra Lessons - Minor Chakras - Earth Star

The earth star chakra is what allows the energy to be absorbed into the body from mother earth. If you have been experiencing any kind of pain in the feet, there is a chance that you are not grounded in your energy, and it will have a tough time reaching the primary chakra system. Ego fear and anxiety are likely ruling the physical body preventing that earth connection that our energetic and spiritual bodies need to function at its highest potential.

When our feet make contact with the Earth, it remembers our footsteps no matter the current existence, it recognizes the energy of our Earth Star, as that Chakra travels with us from lifetime to lifetime. We walk on the Earth, where many have before us, and many will after us.

Causal Chakra

Colour: White
Location: Back of head, roughly 4 inches below the crown, on the back of the head
Inner aspect: Guide present life
Mental body: Reprogramming
Spiritual body: an exploration of spirit

Next in the chakra lesson – minor chakras, we will look at crystals to use with Causal Chakra.
Balance: Celestite, and moonstone
Activation: Kyanite

Chakra Lessons - Minor Chakras
The causal Chakra is the information center for messages and inspiration from the divine. When this Chakra is in balance, we gain the qualities of compassion, love, intuition, and purity. Here we explore spirituality and higher wisdom. It opens the right brain opening that intuition and creativity.

This Chakra is very much in line with the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra; it opens up that gateway between them that allows intuition for flow, which allows a connection between the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. This is where the connection to any or all of the clairs come in;
Clairvoyance means clear seeing
Clairaudience means clear hearing
Clairsentience means clear feeling
Clairalience means clear smelling
Clairgustance means clear tasting
Claircognizance means clear knowing


Soul Star Chakra

Colour: White, Golden, or Magenta (it’s unclear which colour for sure as it has been seen as any of these colours. It is a slight debate among the community)
Location: Six inches above the head (directly in line above the Crown Chakra)
Inner aspect: Connection to the higher self

Next in the chakra lesson – minor chakras, we will look at crystals to use with Soul Star Chakra.
Balance: Kyanite (blue), and Clear Quartz
Activation: Selenite, Moldavite
Connect: Angel Aura Quartz

Chakra Lessons - Minor Chakras - Soul Star Chakra

The Soul Star Chakra is the storage bank of your soul. It holds the direct connection to your highest self, Akashic records (this is the records of all your past lives), and karmic past. When you access the akashic records, it will tell you every being that your soul has ever been, the timeline, who you were, what you’ve done, the karmas that you may carry from past and present life (both good and bad karmas). This is all in the Soul Star Chakra, consider it the personal diary of your soul.

Stellar Gateway Chakra

Colour: Pure gold
Location: Twelve inches above the head (in direct alignment with Crown and Soul Star Chakras)

Next in the chakra lesson – minor chakras, we will look at crystals to use with Stellar Gateway Chakra.

Chakra Lessons - Minor Chakras - Stellar Gateway

There are no crystals for activation of the Stellar Gateway Chakra. It can only be activated when all of the chakras are activated and balanced. It will be up to the individual, and the collective, for when the activation is needed, this is when the world is ready for your gifts and knowledge. We can prepare for activation by practicing acts of unconditional love, being non-judgemental, acting with compassion and grace toward all living things. The crystal suggestions that I have for this Chakra is to serve as an assistant to the Stellar Gateway Chakra.

Moldavite – Assists with “cosmovision” assists the clarity of higher purpose and intention
Selenite – can balance most of the Chakras on its own, therefore aligning everything to promote the activation of the Stellar Gateway Chakra.


If you do enough research, you will find that there are many different beliefs on the number of chakras that each being can possess. Some believe solely in the main seven chakra system (this is what all of the lessons have been focused on), some believe in hundreds, maybe even thousands of chakras up in the cosmos that we are connected to.

If you wanted to explore and learn more about chakras in other traditions, you could research:
Taoism – Chinese principles created 3500 BCE for the “way of long life.”
The Kabbalah (Cabala, Cabbala, Cabalah, and Qabala) – An ancient esoteric Jewish system dating from the 12th century.
Sufism and the Seven Lataif – The practice of an esoteric and mystic branch of Islam dating back to the 8th century.
Inca and Mayan Teachings – Beliefs that humans are the bridge between heaven and Earth, 250 CE
Shamanism – Practices are drawn from widely dispersed cultures and periods

Chakra Lessons - Minor Chakras - Conclusion

Whatever your beliefs, so long as we focus on balancing and regularly cleaning the chakras, we should have a well-balanced life where love and joy are effortless, where manifestation happens quickly, and radical transformations happen. We find ourselves shedding old beliefs that have made us small and “safe.” Through this work, you will discover that there is nothing safe about living in a state of constant fear, anger, anxiety, or grief. You will relevate your soul and spirit closer and closer to purpose every time you practice self-healing modalities such as reiki, meditation, crystals, whichever works for you and helps you feel that divine connection.

Until next time,
Relevate the day,

Anna – xo

Chakra Lesson – Overview

In this Chakra lesson overview, we will take a glance at all the chakras, and what affects they have. If you want to see the video lesson, see it here.

Root Chakra – Muladhara

Key issues: Sexuality, lust, and obsession.
Colour: Red
Location: Base of spine
Inner aspect: Grounding spiritual energies
Physical body: Sexuality
Mental body: Stability
Emotional body: Sensuality
Spiritual body: Security

Chakra lesson - overview - root chakra

It is the first Chakra in the seven chakra system; the root chakra

Grounding or “rooting” us is the primary function of this Chakra. It is crucial because grounding connects us to the mother earth energy. This energy is vital; if there are any imbalances in the root, we will have problems pulling the energy up into all the chakras creating further imbalances.

The root is considered the first Chakra and is connected to the first seven years of life; This Chakra develops between the ages of 0-7. Any traumas from childhood are here. Survival tendencies are also born here. A lot of our adult complexes and emotional issues are developed at this stage, whether we are aware or not.

The root is also the filtration system of the aura; this is where we expel toxic energy into the Earth. If we are experiencing blocks, those negative energies get blocked in our systems – creating “dis-ease” in the physical body.


Sacral Chakra – Svadisthana

Key issues: Relationships, violence, addictions
Colour: Orange
Inner aspect: Feelings/emotions
Physical body: Reproduction
Mental body: Creativity
Emotional body: Joy
Spiritual body: Enthusiasm

Chakra Lesson - Overview - Sacral Chakra

It is the second Chakra in the seven chakra system; the Sacral Chakra

In the chakra lesson overview, we see the Sacral Chakra as the center of self-expression and joy. When this Chakra is in balance, we feel happy and emotionally balanced. We enjoy meeting new people and having them in our space, and we are generally a lot more friendly. Creativity flows like a river, and our passion and desire fuel us. We have a strong sense of self, and our faith in our choices is strong.

When the Sacral is not functioning at it’s best, it can manifest into different ailments that can affect any or all the bodies. It can lead us to feel unsafe, insecure, prone to addiction, violent outbursts, and so much more. Let’s take a look below at what effects can happen when the Sacral Chakra is blocked or over-active with energies.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura

Key issues: Power, fear, anxiety, introversion
Colour: Yellow
Inner aspect: Opinion and personal power
Physical body: Digestion
Mental body: Power
Emotional body: Expansiveness
Spiritual body: Growth

Chakra Lesson - Overview - Solar Plexus

It is the third Chakra in the seven chakra system, the Solar Plexus.

In this Chakra lesson overview, think of the solar plexus chakra center as the sun in your body. It draws the radiance as a type of Prana (Life Force). It is a gathering point for energy; it must be functional to enable a natural flow of vital life force energy. It is like an energy distribution center, the energy pulled through the Earth from the Root Chakra, and the energy pulled from the sun through the Crown. It all gathers at the Solar Plexus Chakra to be distributed evenly to ensure each center is spinning effectively and efficiently. Any blocks or bogs in energy here can result in some issues in all the Chakras.

When this Chakra is working effectively, we have a powerful sense of self and can set boundaries without hesitation, but remain open-minded and flexible when needed. Open to constructive criticism on personal and professional levels. We have the power to pursue our goals and dreams. We know when to walk away when something isn’t working. We can healthily manage stress, and we have high functioning digestive systems.

Heart Chakra – Anahata

Key issues: Passion, tenderness, inner-child, and rejection
Colour: Green
Inner aspect: Unconditional love and compassion
Physical body: Circulation
Mental body: Passion
Emotional body: Compassion
Spiritual body: Devotion

Chakra Lesson - Overview - Heart Chakra

It is the fourth Chakra in the seven chakra system, the Heart Chakra.

In this chakra lesson overview, we explore how the heart chakra governs all of our relationships. The heart Chakra enables the experiences we can have in love and relationships, including the relationship with self. It opens us to more profound compassion, forgiveness, and the ability to receive love. It assists us in connecting with nature and the healing qualities it brings. You become more in tune with plants and animals when the Heart Chakra is flowing freely.

When the heart chakra is functioning at it’s best, we can nurture and forgive ourselves and others, a healthy sense of self-worth. We can be more present in our lives. We are very generous but are also not fearful of healthy boundaries—balanced relationships all around us, including the relationship with self. We become more empathetic and can feel the emotions of others. We feel secure and trust our decisions without second guesses.

Throat Chakra – Vishuddha

Key issues: Self-expression, communication, and will
Colour: Blue
Inner aspect: Expression
Physical body: Communication
Mental body: Fluent thought
Emotional body: Independence
Spiritual body: Security

Chakra Lesson - Overview - Throat chakra

It is the fifth Chakra in the seven chakra system, the Throat Chakra.

The throat Chakra in this chakra lesson overview is the bridge between the heart chakra and the upper chakras. It can take us from our hearts into our higher, more spiritual chakras. This is the place that we come to speak our authentic truth, and express love. However, it can also be a place of destruction – using your voice to hurt others.

Third Eye Chakra – Ajna

Key issues: Balancing higher and lower selves, trusting inner guidance
Colour: Indigo
Inner aspect: Intuition
Emotional body: Clarity
Spiritual body: Meditation

Chakra Lesson - Overview - Third Eye Chakra

It is the sixth Chakra in the seven chakra system, the Third Eye Chakra.

Many physical issues can arise in the third eye chakra in this chakra lesson overview; we explore ailments such as headaches and other general problems in the skull, such as eyes and ears. Constant stress can cause these headaches, and it is usually the body’s way of letting you know that this Chakra is not being nourished. You can sustain this Chakra with meditation and visualization. It is absolutely vital for our health, both physically and mentally. Shut off for some quiet time once in a while and tune into the Chakra through meditation and visualization.

Because of today’s technology-driven world, headaches can appear due to screen time. This creates a lot of tension in the neck. We are frequently looking down at our cell phones and/or computers.

Crown Chakra – Sahasrara

Key issues: Inner wisdom, death of the physical body
Colour: Violet
Inner aspect: Release of karma
Physical body: Meditation
Mental body: Universal consciousness
Emotional body: Beingness
Spiritual body: Unity through transcendental consciousnessChakra Lesson - Overview - Crown Chakra

The seventh and final Chakra in the seven chakra system; the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra in the Chakra Lesson overview is what can connect us to universal consciousness. Having this Chakra operating at its optimal function will allow you to see the bigger picture of what life is. It helps open the mind to many perceptions of reality. Many physical ailments can arise through this Chakra when it is not maintained.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the chakras, in this chakra lesson overview

Until next time,

Relevate the day,

Anna – xo

Chakra Lessons – Crown Chakra

This is article seven in the chakra lessons, and we are at the end of the Seven Chakra System, there are other beliefs that we have many other chakras, minor chakras, etc. We will explore all of those in another blog post in the lesson section. If you would like to view the video on this lesson, you can see it here 

First, let us take a glance at the Crown Chakra

Colour: Violet
Key issues: Inner wisdom, death of the body
Inner aspect – Release of Karma
Physical Body: Meditation
Mental Body: Universal consciousness
Emotional Body: Beingness
Spiritual Body: Unity through transcendental consciousness
Sanskrit word: Sahasrara – “A thousand petals.”

Chakra Lessons – Crown Chakra – Intro

The crown chakra is what can connect us to universal consciousness. Having this chakra operating at its optimal function will allow you to see the bigger picture of what life is. It helps open the mind to many perceptions of reality. Many physical ailments can arise through this chakra when it is not maintained.

Chakra Lessons – Crown Chakra – The Bodies

Chakra Lessons - Crown Chakra - The Bodies

Physical Body

Headaches – overburdened mind due to suppression of thoughts and/or feelings, or obsession
Epilepsy – This happens when there is a disconnect/misalignment in all the bodies (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual)
Paralysis – Deep trauma causing us to deny life.
Parkinson’s disease – Tremors that may indicate fear from past, or of the future, or the way we move in the physical body
High blood pressure – bottling up anger and emotions (also linked to the Heart Chakra)

Indian teachings indicate that all of our physical disease and ailments are the result of a separation from the infinite universe. Our Auric field and chakras are vital in keeping us healthy.

Emotional/Mental Body

-Obsessive attachments
-Close Minded-ness
-Living in fantasy
-Disconnection with reality

This chakra on an emotional level generates devotion, inspirational and prophetic thought, mystical connection, and transcendental ideas when in balance.

Spiritual Body

-Lack of motivation
-Stagnant and low energies

This Chakra on a spiritual level connects us to humanity. It is here that we can see the bigger picture of the human connection, and an understanding of our interconnectedness. This chakra is the gateway for pranic energy to enter the physical body. This fills us with vital energy making us feel alive and vibrant.

Chakra Lessons – Crown Chakra – Symptoms of a Blocked or Overactive Chakra


-Inability to think for self
-unable to trust our wisdom
-Easily swayed by others
-Growth feels blocked
-Resistance to believing in a higher power
-Lack of faith
-Ethical and Moral boundaries are unclear in the mind
-Hair loss issues


-Ungrounded/spacey energy
-Difficulties managing day to day life
-Lack of accountability
-Impose spiritual beliefs upon others
-Mental illness

Chakra Lessons – Crown Chakra – Helpful Tools

Chakra Lessons - Crown Chakra - Helpful Tools


Crystals that support the Crown Chakra

To activate the Crown Chakra (clear blocks), you will want Celestite or Blue Sapphire
Celestite – “Stone of Heaven”  Reduces stress and aids relaxation. It works with the higher chakras (chakras beyond the traditional seven system). It upgrades the users’ vibration bringing them closer to purpose and destiny.
Blue Sapphire – It can help bring serenity and calm. It has a quality that will open you to a higher spirituality in the physical body; it can regulate the endocrine system and is extremely helpful in intensely stressful times.

Crystals to calm an overactive Crown Chakra are Charoite and Sugilite.
These crystals can be used interchangeably as they both have similar qualities. They are both considered stones of transformation, especially in matters of the Crown Chakra. They both encourage deep sleep and assists with any disturbances in the brain.

Crystals to balance the Crown Chakra, these are best used when the chakra is healthy, this will maintain its function.
Clear Quartz – This is known as a master healing stone as it contains all of the colours we can visibly see. It helps to bring clarity and unclouded thoughts.
Amethyst – This crystal can bring psychic gifts to the user, use in meditation to bring tranquillity to your practice and help quiet the mind. Amethyst can assist with the connection between the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Opening up these chakras together helps to open the gifts we all innately have in our DNA, anyone is capable of any of the clairs – clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentient, etc.

Essential oils that support the Crown Chakra

  • Ylang-Ylang
  • Rosewood
  • Linden
  • Lotus or water lily

Yoga poses to open the Crown Chakra

  • Headstand
  • Crane Pose
  • Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder stand)

Final Thoughts

Chakra Lessons - Crown Chakra - Final Thoughts

The Crown Chakra can open up the spiritual world to you if you allow it to. There is great knowledge and growth to be had with a well-balanced Crown. It is essential to be aware of your spirituality and practice faith for the function of this chakra. This is our divine connection to universal consciousness.

When I stated that Sahasrara translated to “servant,” this isn’t your usual thought of a servant. The crown chakra is the servant of God; this is where we get our downloads and messages from the universe. Having this connection allows you to see the bigger picture and open you up to the path you are meant to lead.  Without having this connection, we will often find ourselves on auto-pilot just trying to make it through each day. There is so much more to this existence than meet the eye, very much beyond our capable comprehension.

Be open-minded and ready to receive what the universe wants to provide for you. Your angels are waiting for you to wake up and see what this existence is really about, they want to get you on the path to your purpose. The longer we hold back, the longer we are robbing the world of our unique gifts. Choose to start today and let the world see you shine. You are worth it, you are capable, and you are here for a very specific reason. Book your Reiki session today to jump start your journey to radical transformation. 

Until next time,
Relevate the day – Anna xoxo

Chakra Lessons – Third Eye Chakra

This is article six in the chakra lessons – Third Eye chakra. We will look at all the issues that can arise when the Third Eye chakra is out of balance. These issues can affect each of the bodies differently; mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. You can find the video on this blog here.

First, let us have a glance:

Colour: Indigo
Key Issues: Balancing the higher and lower selves, trusting inner guidance
Inner aspect: Intuition
Emotional Body: Clarity
Spiritual Body: Meditation
Sanskrit Word: Ajna “servant.”

This chakra is the center of inner vision, imagination, intuition, projection of will, and manifestation.

Fun Fact:

Darwinian theorists claim that the third eye is a remainder from a reptilian stage of human evolution. It may have been the “primary’ eye to form within our brain, making it the first eye.

Chakra Lessons – Third Eye Chakra – Intro

Many physical issues can arise, such as headaches and other general problems in the skull, such as eyes and ears. Constant stress can cause these headaches, and it is usually the body’s way of letting you know that this chakra is not being nourished. You can sustain this chakra with meditation and visualization. It is absolutely vital for our health, both physically and mentally. Shut off for some quiet time once in a while and tune into the chakra through meditation and visualization.

Because of today’s technology-driven world, headaches can appear due to screen time. This can create a lot of tension in the neck. We are frequently looking down at our cell phones and/or computers.

If you want to help the function of this chakra and reduce headaches, take a moment to visualize the colour green. This colour is very calming and healing to the bodies. If you are struggling with visualization and getting the chakra healthy, consider reaching out for assistance from an energy healer.

Chakra Lessons – Third Eye Chakra – The Bodies

Chakra Lessons - Third Eye Chakra - The Bodies


Physical Body

-Sleep disorders

The thyroid issues presented itself in the Throat Chakra as well. It is mentioned here again because the Third Eye Chakra is associated with the pituitary gland. This gland is the endocrine’s systems distribution center for your hormones. All of the endocrine glands work together, and the pituitary orchestrates them all to work together harmoniously. Still, if something is not sending the proper information to the brain, it can cause a malfunction in the endocrine system. You could have too much (hyper) or too little (hypo) hormones going through the system, throwing just about everything in the body off.

The pituitary gland is where melatonin and serotonin output resides. If it is out of balance, it can creat sleep issues. If a sleep disorder is something you are suffering from, please seek some energetic help to get the chakra center flowing more efficiently to balance out the endocrine system. If it is a serotonin deficiency you are facing, this can affect mood, sleep, sexuality, menstrual cycles, and appetite.

Emotional/Spiritual Body

-Spiritual disconnect
-personal disconnect
-racing thoughts
-disrupt true perception
-unable to see a clear path

In the emotional body, the third eye chakra affects the ability to see clearly. You may find yourself questioning the intentions of everyone around you, paranoid. Because you are not able to hear or see the inner vision that we all have. We are unable to connect in relationships and have a dogmatic nature about us.

I put the emotional and spiritual bodies together in the post today because they are so close in affects—disconnect, lack of vision, lack of motivation, racing thoughts that will not stop. If we can connect spiritually, the thoughts can begin to slow down. This is just your body telling you that you have to deal with all of these thoughts, do something with it. Meditate, journal, energy healings, whatever it is that feels good to you that gets the energy flowing.

Chakra Lessons – Third Eye Chakra – Symptoms of a Blocked or Overactive Chakra

Symptoms of a blocked Third Eye Chakra

-Intuition block
-trouble deciding if thoughts are intuition or fear-based.
-little to no imagination
-cannot recall dreams
-challenges with learning
-difficulty processing new information
-thinking feels clouded or fogged
-develop an ear and/or eye issues
-frequent sinus congestion

Symptoms of an overactive third eye chakra

-suspicious nature
-project our issues onto others
-feed on drama – creating it
-lack of focus and clarity
-prone to burn out
-eye strain

Chakra Lessons – Third Eye Chakra – Helpful Tools

Chakra Lessons - Third Eye Chakra - Helpful Tools


Crystals that support the Third Eye Chakra

Herkimer Diamond is going to be the best crystal to bring an activation to the Third Eye Chakra – activation meaning to clear out blocks so the chakra can function at its optimal frequency. Place the Herkimer diamond directly on the Third Eye Chakra to begin activation.

For calming the Third Eye Chakra, you will want to use Emerald or Sapphire. It does not need to be expensive pieces; you can use small rough/raw crystals.
Emerald– This crystal is all about calm. If you are experiencing more of the overactive traits, placing the emerald on the Third Eye Chakra to help bring peace to the center allowing healing to begin.
Sapphire– It can help bring serenity and calm. It has a quality that will open you to a higher spirituality in the physical body; it can regulate the endocrine system and is extremely helpful in intensely stressful times.

Lapis Lazuli is the crystal to help maintain the health and balance of the Third Eye Chakra. On a physical level, it can assist the thyroid gland function. On a mental/emotional level, use lapis lazuli with the Third Eye Chakra to help access our deep cellular memory, our hurts and fears, it can bring it into awareness for healing, helps us with acceptance of self as well.

Essential Oils that support the Third Eye Chakra


Yoga Poses that activate the Third Eye Chakra

-Downward dog
-Lotus position
-Plough pose

Final Thoughts

Chakra Lessons - Third Eye Chakra - Final Thoughts

If we want to lead a life where we follow our intuition, the universe will give us clarity, vision and will reward our efforts. We must be willing to acknowledge that we have old emotions and pain that need healing. Eventually, we need to be present with those emotions, witness them so we can process and clear the body of energies that are keeping us in pain and discomfort.

We are always at our best and happiest when we allow the guidance of the universe to come through. These energies need to be cleared to make space for what the universe has planned for us. If you are feeling a little stuck, or need some clarity, feel free to reach out and book your Reiki session today.

Until next time,
Relevate the day – Anna xoxo

Chakra Lessons – Throat Chakra

This is article five in the chakra lessons – Throat chakra. We will look at all the issues that can arise when the Throat chakra is out of balance. These issues can affect each of the bodies differently; mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. You can find the video on this blog here.

First, let us have a glance:

Colour: Blue
Key issues: Self-expression, communication, and will
Inner aspect: Expression
Physical Body: Communication
Mental Body: Fluent thought
Emotional Body: Independence
Spiritual Body: Security
Element: Ether
Sanskrit word: Vishuddha – “to purify.”

Chakra Lessons – Throat Chakra – Intro

The throat chakra is the bridge between the heart chakra and the upper chakras. It can take us from our hearts into our higher, more spiritual chakras. This is the place that we come to speak our authentic truth, and express love. However, it can also be a place of destruction – using your voice to hurt others.

Chakra Lessons – Throat Chakra – The Bodies

Chakra Lessons - Throat Chakra


Physical Body

When we have imbalances in the throat chakra, it can manifest itself as ear, nose, throat, and respiratory problems in the physical body. This chakra is also directly related to the thyroid gland. Physical ailments can include

  • Graves disease
  • Hypo/hyperthyroidism – goitres
  • Exhaustion
  • Digestive and weight problems
  • Sore throat
  • Neck pain

A deficiency in the thyroid (hypo) can make us feel afraid, timid, manipulative, and afraid of sex. In contrast, an excess (hyper) is overstimulation that brings a dogmatic nature, arrogance, self-righteousness, or excessive talking.

Respiratory problems can arise due to the disassociation with the energy of spirituality.
The energy of spirituality brings a unique breath into the body through this chakra. If there is a disconnect with spirituality, how well are you breathing?

Points to ponder:

  • When we breathe, are we aware of the quality and depth of that breath?
  • We take in air – oxygen – but do you consider the quality of that air?
  • We can survive approximately 56 days without food, about 12 days without water, but only 3 minutes at maximum without air/oxygen.

If we go longer without oxygen, we would be considered brain dead. We spend so much time in stress, anxiety, and fear that we are only taking half breaths with little to no depth. What is that doing to our systems? This is why you hear so many gurus and spiritual leaders talk about coming back to the breath. Breath is cleansing and clearing, making an effort to breathe more deeply and slowly helps to center and align all of the bodies. It helps you open and supply your higher chakras. Connect or reconnect you to higher self, universe, God, whichever you believe. This is the breath of life.

Emotional Body

The throat chakra is closely connected to all the different voices that belong to us as we grow up. Our voice and communication mature through this chakra. It is in what we say (or do not say) that projects the image of ourselves to others.

If communication is blocked in this chakra, it can result in depressive symptoms. When we are unable to cope and/or express our emotions, and thoughts consider seeking some form of help. Getting the bottled emotions out is vital to the health of that chakra. Talk therapy, alternative modalities such as reiki, sound healing, meditation can all help.

Keep in mind that listening is also a form of communication; ensure your emotions are not blocking you from hearing what is being said to you. If you struggle with listening to others or absorbing what they say in the way it was intended, it could just be an energy imbalance in the throat chakra.

Spiritual Body

When the throat has an imbalance of energy, on a spiritual level, it can make us feel like we are in a state of hypnosis. We just glide through the days on “auto-piolet” with no real purpose, and a lack of motivation to do/be better.

When we can breathe new energy into this chakra, as mentioned above, miraculous things can begin happening. We breathe in the breath into the spiritual body through the crown chakra, and we will gain so much knowledge about ourselves. We will be able to hear the guidance from our highest self and lead us on the path we are meant to travel.

As mentioned in the emotional body, listening is an essential part of communication; we need the throat chakra activated and cleansed so we can hear our inner guidance speak to us, lead us where we need to go next. To help yourself with listening to inner guidance, you may want to adopt some form of meditation that opens the chakra allowing guidance to flow.

Chakra Lessons – Throat Chakra – Symptoms of a Blocked or Overactive Chakra


  • Unable to set healthy boundaries
  • Afraid to ask for what we want
  • Repressed emotions
  • Resistance to being heard
  • Fear of public speaking
  • Difficulty accepting a compliment
  • Self-denial
  • We are prone to lying, deceiving
  • Unable to communicate our authentic truths
  • Congestive throat, nasal, and bronchial issues


  • Unable to listen/hear
  • Domineering personality
  • Demanding
  • Desire to be the center of attention
  • Overly talkative
  • No filter – very blunt
  • Tension and soreness in the neck, shoulders, and throat
  • Inflammation in the throat
  • physical hearing issues

Chakra Lessons – Throat Chakra – Helpful Tools

Chakra Lessons - Throat Chakra - Helpful tools


Crystals that can support the Throat Chakra

Crystals to activate this chakra (clear blockages) – Blue or Yellow Topaz
Blue Topaz – For more in-depth spiritual work, or activation before sacred singing, or performances that require the use of your voice.
Yellow Topaz – For more physical assistance. It helps to balance any potential issues in the thyroid. It also strengthens the nervous system.

Crystals to calm the Throat Chakra
Clear Quartz – Because this crystal holds all of the colours within it, it is a master healing crystal. It can draw the energy from the colour associated with the chakra and direct it where it is needed.

Crystals to balance the Throat Chakra – Turquoise, Chrysocolla
Turquoise – is a protective crystal. However, since it does vibrate at the same level as the Throat Chakra, it helps to bring balance when the chakra is overactive.
Chrysocolla – Aligns and balances the chakra – helps to dispel fears.

Essential oils that support the Throat Chakra

  • Lavender
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Sage

Yoga poses to open the Throat Chakra

  • Bow pose
  • Lion Pose
  • Sitting forward bend

Final Thoughts

Chakra Lessons - Throat Chakra - Final Thoughts

Healthy communication is critical in day to day life. We need to be willing to speak up, stop and listen, meditate to listen to self, when we need to.

We are not living our best life if we are taking shallow breaths, stuck on autopilot, or unwilling to speak our truths. This can impact self-esteem and self-image. Forgive yourself today if you haven’t been the best at communication and make the decision today to allow yourself to set healthy boundaries, listen to inner guidance, and come back into the heart to find compassion for yourself.

Nobody will have your back more than yourself. Be willing to take that time for you. Be strong and forge on. Book your distance reiki session with me to start your path to radical transformation.

Until next time,
Relevate the day — Anna xoxo

Chakra Lessons – Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the midpoint of the chakras – the last three chakras that we looked at are considered the lower chakras, and they are more directly related to the physical body and the world we perceive with our senses. Onward from here, we are exploring the higher chakras that are more so related to the spiritual body.

This is article four in the chakra lessons – heart chakra. We will look at all the issues that can arise when the heart chakra is out of balance. These issues can affect each of the bodies differently; mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. You can find the video lesson of this blog here.

First, let us have a glance:

Colour: Green
Key issues: Passion, tenderness, inner-child issues, and rejection
Emotional: unconditional love and compassion
Physical: Circulation
Mental: Passion
Spiritual: Devotion
Element: Air
Sanskrit word: Anahata – “unstruck note.”

Chakra Lessons – Heart – Intro

This chakra governs all of our relationships. The heart Chakra enables the experiences we can have in love and relationships, including the relationship with self. It opens us to more profound compassion, forgiveness, and the ability to receive love. It assists us in connecting with nature and the healing qualities it brings. You become more in tune with plants and animals when the Heart Chakra is flowing freely.

When the heart chakra is functioning at it’s best, we can nurture and forgive ourselves and others, a healthy sense of self-worth. We can be more present in our lives. We are very generous but are also not fearful of healthy boundaries—balanced relationships all around us, including the relationship with self. We become more empathetic and can feel the emotions of others. We feel secure and trust our decisions without second guesses.

Chakra Lessons – Heart – The Bodies

Chakra Lessons - Heart - Bodies

Physical Body

The heart chakra is directly related to the heart! Health issues in the heart can sometimes be old emotions that we haven’t properly healed, and/or cleared from the body. Here are some physical ailments that can manifest when the heart chakra isn’t healthy.

  • High blood pressure
  • Irregular heart rhythms
  • Heart disease
  • Asthma and other respiratory illnesses
  • Upper back issues
  • Breast cancer
  • Impede immune system function

High blood pressure can be an initial sign of underlying mental strain often caused by bottled-up stress, anger, and/or frustration. The health of the physical heart improves when we release the past traumas, emotional pain, and avoid judging others.

Mental/Emotional Body

Here are some examples of emotional pain that could be residing in the heart chakra. Take some time to check in with yourself and see if you feel any kind of charge as you read over this list.

  • Feeling stuck in the past – pining for old relationships
  • holding onto grudges
  • Trust issues
  • Low self-esteem
  • Bottled emotions
  • Commitment issues
  • Relationship procrastination
  • Holding on to past traumas – willingly or unknowingly remaining in victim mode (it’s ok, I’ve been there, I know <3)
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Consistently pushing people away – unwilling to be vulnerable
  • Always put self last. Filling other people’s cups first.

If we can take the following steps, we begin walking a path of increased awareness of self, compassion, the forgiveness of self and others, empathy, and unconditional love. We can nourish our mental health and many other parts of our bodies by filling our cups first. Make time and space for your overall wellbeing by making time to take care of our energetic and physical bodies regularly like you would see a massage therapist, a chiropractor, a therapist, etc. Seek to be on the path of beauty, where life is a beautiful experience with all it has to offer. Challenges and celebrations, Heartbreak and lasting love, every up and down have beauty in it.


  1. 1. First and foremost, if you are absolutely 100% in any kind of mental or physical anguish, please schedule an appointment with your medical professional immediately. You are loved, and the world needs you.
  2. 2. Begin a path of understanding, allow yourself to explore the many healing modalities and see what feels right for you. It might take a few tries, and trying numerous methods before you figure it out, but keep trying new things, it keeps the soul joyous. When we can admit that we would like the help, the universe will begin placing ideas and experiences in front of you, so be bold and try a lot of new things at least once.
  3. 3. Begin a daily practice of some kind. Meditation, therapy, yoga, EFT tapping, sound therapy, the list goes on. Once you have found what works for you, schedule it daily.

Making the time for yourself helps to align all of your bodies and reduce anxiety and stress. Permit yourself to have some time daily to check in with yourself and do something that is just for you. It will assist in overall health.

Spiritual body

When we can open up the heart chakra, it will allow us to know what unconditional love and faith are all about honestly; it gives us confidence that we are always being cared for by the universe. That there is a higher purpose to your place in this plane of existence. The effects when the heart chakra is low in energy and blocked is mainly damaging to the spirit, lethargic, and no will for much more than basic needs.

Chakra Lessons – Heart – Symptoms of a blocked or over-active Sacral chakra

When the Heart Chakra is blocked or overactive, physical symptoms can manifest.

Blocked or deficient in energy symptoms

  • Depressive symptoms
  • Trapped in grief
  • Unwilling to let go of the past
  • Oversensitive
  • Untrusting
  • Resistant to relationships
  • Regret
  • Lack of compassion for others
  • Emotionally cold and closed off
  • Congestive heart or respiratory illnesses
  • Fatigue
  • Low immune system

Overactive symptoms

  • Always seeking love and approval from outside sources
  • Need approval
  • Vulnerable
  • Gossipy
  • Over-give to others
  • Others always come before self
  • Very sensitive/empathetic
  • Triggered emotionally very easily
  • Trouble trusting self
  • Heart arrhythmias, heart attacks, stroke, and asthma

Chakra Lessons – Heart – Helpful Tools

Chakra Lessons - Heart - Helpful Tools

If you feel you are blocked/deficient or overactive – or even if you just want to maintain the health of your Heart Chakra – here are some tools that can assist.

Crystals that can help support the Heart Chakra.

Peridot – this is the best crystal to use when we want to activate the chakra. By activate, I mean that the chakra is lacking energy or is blocked. Activating it will help it the energy flow, and keep the chakra healthy. It is regarded as a cleansing stone as it is believed to be able to detox the aura. Assists with processing negative emotions and/or traumas that are blocking the energy in the Heart Chakra, replacing that space with love and compassion, and forgiveness of self and others.

To calm an overactive chakra, you can use Pink Tourmaline, Pink or Lavender Kunzite, or Rhodonite.
Pink Tourmaline – releases old patterns of disease that can be held in the auric field related to the heart.
Kunzite – heal the pain of broken relationships or loss through death – aids the grieving process.
Rhodonite – used to clear unwanted energies and calms the heart. It has a very iron-rich content that aids in grounding us back to earth energy, and back into the present moment – this aids us with deep inner-work and matters of the heart, moving us closer to unconditional love.

To balance the Heart Chakra, you will want to use Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Aventurine, or Rose Quartz.
Watermelon Tourmaline – The green in the crystal brings the life force energy into the body, while the pink harmonizes the chakra.
Green Aventurine – calms and balances the chakra and aids with the function of the lungs.
Rose Quartz – This crystal encourages love and friendships. Using it in meditation will take you through opening the many levels of the heart, and help you to connect with your inner child. In the physical body, it can aid sexual and emotional imbalance, increasing fertility.

Essential oils that support the Heart Chakra

  • Rose – moves the energy of passion into unconditional love. Acts as an anti-depressant following grief or a break down in a relationship.
  • Melissa – Recommended using when in shock or grief, strengthens the heart. Greek healers referred to Melissa as “the elixir of life.”

Yoga poses to open the Heart Chakra

  • Cobra
  • Head to Knee forward bend
  • Fish pose

Final Thoughts

Chakra Lessons - Heart - Final thoughts

The heart chakra can be a very emotional energy center. We need to make sure we are keeping this chakra functioning and healthy. Not only for physical reasons for maintaining heart health, but also to keep the energetic heart healthy. We need this to be able to manifest from our heart space, and it allows us to be open to give and receive love.

It is in our human nature to want that love connection, but if we do not take the time to care for ourselves, how are we sending out that vibe wanting a relationship? In desperation, or with full faith knowing that you love yourself so much that it isn’t what matters most to you? Again, it comes down to decisions. Will you make your physical and emotional heart health a priority? Use the tools above to help you on this journey, or as always, you can reach out to me for spiritual coaching and/or distance reiki treatments. Get on to the path that your heart truly desires for you, and chose to be happy right now precisely how life is and watch the blessing come rolling in.

Until next time,
Relevate the day — Anna xoxo

Chakra Lessons – Solar Plexus

This is article three in the chakra lessons – solar plexus chakra. We will look at all the issues that can arise when the solar plexus chakra is out of balance. These issues can affect each of the bodies differently; mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

First, let us have a glance:

Colour – Yellow
Key issues – Power, fear, anxiety, introversion
Physical body – Digestion
Mental body – Power
Emotional body – Expansiveness
Spiritual – Growth
Element – Fire
Sanskrit word – Manipura – “City of Jewels.”

Chakra Lessons – Solar Plexus – Intro

Think of this center as the sun in your body. It draws the radiance as a type of Prana (Life Force). It is a gathering point for energy; it must be functional to enable a natural flow of vital life force energy. It is like an energy distribution center, the energy pulled through the Earth from the Root Chakra, and the energy pulled from the sun through the Crown. It all gathers at the Solar Plexus Chakra to be distributed evenly to ensure each center is spinning effectively and efficiently. Any blocks or bogs in energy here can result in some issues in all the Chakras.

When this Chakra is working effectively, we have a powerful sense of self and can set boundaries without hesitation, but remain open-minded and flexible when needed. Open to constructive criticism on personal and professional levels. We have the power to pursue our goals and dreams. We know when to walk away when something isn’t working. We can healthily manage stress, and we have high functioning digestive systems.

Here are some aspects we need to overcome to allow flow and the ability to begin clearing this Chakra. Taking the time to reflect on these areas that you may still struggle with will help the opening of the next Chakra as well, the Heart.

  • Spiritual Ignorance – find your faith and follow it, whatever that looks like for you.
  • Jealousy
  • Deceptive actions
  • Shame
  • Fear
  • Disgust
  • Delusion

Let’s take a look and see what affects the Solar Plexus has in all of the bodies – Physical, Emotional/mental, Spiritual.

Chakra Lessons – Solar Plexus – The Bodies

Chakra Lessons - Solar Plexus - The bodies

Physical Body

For the majority, stress is carried in this center. Any current or past stress that is not being healed can manifest its self into diseases or “dis-ease.” When the body is not at ease, it is in dis-ease, creating real illnesses.

Illnesses associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Digestive disorders or diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer

Here is an example of some stressful life events that can impact your Solar Plexus if you ignore the emotions.

  • Divorce
  • Personal illness or injury
  • Fired or retired from a job
  • Sex difficulties
  • Gain or loss of a family member
  • Change in responsibilities
  • Change in work conditions
  • Moving
  • Change in sleep habits (parents with a newborn, working night shift, etc.)
  • Holidays

If any of these stressful events have happened in your life, there is a likelihood that a reiki session could help clear out any stagnant energies no longer needed in the center. If unmanageable stress is present in your day to day life, it can affect how insulin and glucagons are produced, so ensuring the center gets cleansed and cleared regularly will assist with avoiding “dis-eases” being created in the body.

Mental/Emotional Body

The emotional body deals with expansiveness. As you begin the process of clearing the Solar Plexus, you will feel very empowered. New doors will begin to start opening. More people will be attracted to you and flock to you. This Chakra helps to create the glow of your aura when you are in a positive flow of energy.

The dark opposite of this Chakra, when the energy flow is negative, blocked, or overactive, is a need to overpower others, contaminate their energy, and arrogance. This energy will allow the ego to rule the mental body. It will compromise the entire chakra system because the flow of power will be damaged. The distribution becomes off, it’s short-circuiting itself and creating havoc on all the bodies, in all the chakras.

Chakra Lessons – Solar Plexus – Symptoms of a blocked or over-active Sacral chakra

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or overactive, physical symptoms can manifest.

Blocked or deficient in energy symptoms

  • Constant frustration/anger
  • insecure and confused about who we are and what we want
  • Easily manipulated by others
  • Unable to set healthy boundaries
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Jealous of others and their success
  • Fear of conflict
  • Digestion is slow and uncomfortable
  • Prone to drug addiction

Overactive symptoms

  • Domineering, and sometimes abusive (either emotionally, mentally, or physically)
  • Close-minded
  • insensitive of how others may feel
  • self-absorbed
  • Greedy
  • Sort temper
  • Violate boundaries of others
  • Very demanding of self
  • Constant conflicts with others, especially authority figures
  • Prone to ulcers, inflammation in the digestive system, and acid reflux
  • Alcohol and gambling addictions

Chakra Lessons – Solar Plexus – Helpful Tools

Chakra Lessons - Solar Plexus - Helpful tools

If you feel you are blocked/deficient or overactive – or even if you just want to maintain the health of your Solar Plexus Chakra – here are some tools that can assist.

Crystals that can help support the Solar Plexus Chakra.

For activating the Solar Plexus Chakra, You will want to use Topaz or Yellow Tourmaline.
Topaz– realigns energy, helps bring golden healing light to the aura. Aids metabolism, especially in the digestive system.
Yellow Tourmaline – Balances the yin/yang energy (feminine and masculine). Use in cord-cutting rituals to cut away blockages such as stress, intolerance, deep sadness, hopelessness, and grief. It will aid the health and activation of the Chakra.

For calming the Solar Plexus Chakra, you will want to use Emerald or Sapphire. It does not need to be expensive pieces. You can use small rough/raw crystals.
Emerald – This crystal is all about calm. If you are experiencing more of the overactive traits, placing the emerald on the solar plexus (or any chakra really) to help bring peace and calm to the center allowing healing to begin.
Sapphire – It can help bring serenity and calm. It has a quality that will open you to a higher spirituality. In the physical body, it can regulate the endocrine system and is extremely helpful in intensely stressful times.

For balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, You will want to use Citrine.
Citrine – it resonates with the energy coming from the sun; it can powerfully cleanse and energize the body. It balances our electromagnetic field, freeing it from stagnant and/or negative energies. This allows balance in the Chakra, and because the Solar Plexus is the distribution center, it must be well balanced and healthy.

Essential oils that support the Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Clary Sage
  • Juniper
  • Geranium

Yoga poses to open the Sacral Chakra.
Yoga is beneficial on many levels, mind, body and soul. Still, we’ve been able to find specific poses that open the Solar Plexus Chakra and allows stagnant energies to release and also help to enable the energy to flow up from the lower and down from upper chakras healthily and vibrantly.

  • Cow pose
  • Sitting spinal twist
  • Camel pose

Final Thoughts

Chakra Lessons - Solar Plexus - Final Thoughts

The Solar Plexus Chakra is vital to your body. It associates itself with the digestive system, and it holds all your stress. You need to find a way to make sure you’re giving it a good cleansing regularly to ensure proper function. It’s not just about this Chakra, it’s about all of them functioning in harmony, and it starts with the Solar Plexus. With it being the energy distribution center, if anything isn’t doing its job, it will slowly begin to throw everything else in the system off.

You can use the tools mentioned above. Meditation visualization is also very beneficial – visualize the yellow center spinning and filling with light, distributing and lighting up all the other chakras. You could hire a reiki practitioner; really, the options are endless.

I hope you have found this information helpful and useful. I encourage you to do whatever feels best for you on your self-healing journey. It isn’t always fun, but the rewards are infinite. Just like each of you!

Catch the video of this lesson here

Until next time,
Relevate the day — Anna xoxo

Chakra Lessons – Root Chakra

This is article one for chakra lessons – root chakra. We will look at all the issues that can arise when the root chakra is out of balance. These issues can affect each of the bodies differently; mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. (You can find the video to this blog here)

First, let us have a glance.

  • Colour – Red
  • Key issues: Sexuality, lust, obsession, childhood trauma
  • Physical – Sexuality
  • Mental – Stability
  • Emotional – Sensuality
  • The element associated with chakra – Earth
  • Sanskrit word – Muladhara – “Root and basis of existence.”

Chakra Lessons - Root Chakra

Chakra Lessons – Root – Intro

Grounding or “rooting” us is the primary function of this chakra. It is crucial because grounding connects us to the mother earth energy. This energy is vital; if there are any imbalances in the root, we will have problems pulling the energy up into all the chakras creating further imbalances.

The root is considered the first chakra and is connected to the first seven years of life; This chakra develops between the ages of 0-7. Any traumas from childhood are here. Survival tendencies are also born here. A lot of our adult complexes and emotional issues are developed at this stage, whether we are aware or not.

The root is also the filtration system of the aura; this is where toxic energy goes to be expelled into the Earth. If we are experiencing blocks, those negative energies get blocked in our systems – creating “dis-ease” in the physical body.

Chakra Lessons – Root – Stability and SecurityChakra Lessons - Root - Security

The root is the foundation of life. Confidence in who we are and whom we trust are functions of this chakra. If early life felt safe and protected, there is a good chance your root chakra is well-balanced, and you are a more trusting and trustworthy person. However, if anything happened in the first seven years of life that left you feeling unsafe or insecure, those emotions can block the root chakra.

A block in the root can make us feel stuck in the survival mode of; Flight, Freeze or Fight. Being stuck in survival mode is energetically draining. It will be hard to trust anyone, maybe even yourself. You may view life and other humans as frightening, creating anxiety and panic.

Chakra Lessons – Root – Symptoms of a blocked or overactive Chakra

When the Root Chakra is blocked or overactive, physical symptoms can manifest. Some things to look out for if you suspect yours may have a block.

  • Blocked abundance from entering our lives
  • Family dysfunction
  • Cultural issues and conflicts
  • Lack of feeling grounded or secure/safe
  • Undependable
  • Feeling incapable of managing day-to-day life
  • Arousal issues
  • Physical weakness
  • Weight imbalance
  • Fatigue

What causes a block in the root chakra?

There are many things we could look at as to why, but in general, if you experienced;

  • Childhood traumas
  • Poor parental relationships
  • Impatience
  • Financial difficulties
  • Poverty (as it threatens survival)
  • Physical abuse
  • Physical neglect
  • Fear of change
  • Selfishness

All of these can contribute to blocks, and some of these events may be happening daily. This is where we have to get clear that healing is needed. I recommend you to hire a reiki practitioner to help you release anything ready to go and learn ways to prevent events that can create blocks.

Symptoms of an overactive Root Chakra

  • Anxiety and panic attacks – from seemingly nowhere
  • Irrational fears that hold you back in life
  • Insecure
  • Overthinking
  • Depression
  • Nightmares
  • Emotional disconnect
  • Physical body disconnect
  • Anger/Rage
  • Addictive behaviours
  • Hypochondria
  • Eating disorders
  • excessive concern about money and material objects

Causes of an overactive Root Chakra

  • Abandonment in formative years
  • Clinging to security and food
  • Codependency issues
  • Inflexible to routine changes

Chakra Lessons – Root – Helpful tools

you have looked over the lists and feel like one or more of these ailments might be you, here are some things that can assist you.

Chakra Lessons - Root - tools

Crystals that can help support the Root Chakra.

Red Jasper – the root chakra can vibrate based on our fears, and Red Jasper is the perfect crystal to assist you to overcome fears, and any programming of fears you received as a child. It was known as a stone of the warriors in ancient tribes. It provided protection, courage, will, and virility. For women, it also very helpful with matters of fertility.

Black Tourmaline – This crystal actually can counter negative energy, so if the negative self-talk is one of your depressive symptoms, it will help you change the chatter in your head and gear it towards positivity, and a positive body image. It helps to ground the root chakra in the Earth’s energy; this can aid with symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. Helps to bring thoughts and feelings into alignment,

Essential oils that support the Root Chakra

Any essential oil that comes from Earth is going to help bring the grounding energy of the root chakra into the body. Most essential oils are plant-based, so focus on the oils from trees or roots. You can try

  • Cedarwood
  • Patchouli
  • Myrrh

Yoga poses to help open the Root Chakra.

Yoga is beneficial on many levels, mind, body and soul. Still, we’ve been able to find specific poses that open the root and allows stagnant energies to release and also help to bring the earth energy up through our spines from our feet.

  • Warrior 1 pose
  • Triangle
  • Eagle

Chakra Lessons – Root – Final Thoughts

Chakra Lessons - Root - Final thoughts

At the end of the day, we all want to have a life filled with joy, vitality, and peace.

We want to be healthy. Look at the world and how much has shifted towards more natural solutions for everything, from eating to cleaning, from mixing Eastern and Western medicine practices, etc. The bottom line is to take care of yourself and your family.

The best way to serve your loved ones is by taking care of yourself first – and no, that is not selfish; in fact, it is probably the least selfish thing you can do. Being a happy and balanced person will shift the surrounding energies, allowing a more profound connection with people and self. We all want that, right? Even my fellow introverts need to have their people, but when our chakra system is unbalanced, it is hard for us to tell what feelings are real or fear-based, who we can and cannot trust, creating craters in our lives.

I encourage you to find a reiki practitioner to help you with this. If you resonate with what I say here, you can always reach out to me. I offer distance reiki energy healing that can help you feel so much better. Even if it is just a better night’s sleep than you’ve had in a while, or maybe you will get a message from the universe, or you will release something so big that a weight gets lifted off of you. Give it a try. If you are an incredibly open person ready to release, you may feel massive shifts after just one session. If you a person with some blocks or some overactive energies in the chakras, it may take more sessions. Accept where you are and choose to make your happiness a priority right now, today. It will change everything around you.

Until next time,

Relevate the day – Anna xo